
How do I begin to describe the feelings I got with this book showing up on my kindle, I had heart palpitations of the excitement and sadness of the series coming to an end. Rhett's story was something I've been waiting on for years how have three an a half years flown by I feel emotionally invested in every character of the Beneath series. Seriously I feel like I'm saying goodbye to friends, I'm crying (I might be a bit dramatic lol). I can tell you this is one of the few times I have been utterly shocked by a characters actions that I felt like I got slapped in the face. Ariel and Rhett are gah!! I can't with them, they might just be my favorite Beneath couples, seriously shhh don't tell Lucas. I want to talk about all the things that happen in this book, between Rhett and Ariel EVERYTHING!! But I won't because you need to find out for yourself what a prefect ending to this series Beneath the Truth is. The emotional ride you will go through will be one of the best things to happen to you. So go forth and read! This is a standalone and can be read as such but seriously do yourself a favor and start at the beginning with Beneath this Mask, and if you've never read a Meghan March book this is the series for you and you don't have to wait for the next book in the series because they are all out. This has been the best 3 and a half years of reading this series and the best conclusion.

romance and crime together is my fav so I love

Beneath The Truth is the final installment in the “Beneath” series which is the longest series Meghan March has written. And it was such a feeling of bittersweet knowing this is the last book but pretty much all of Meghan March’s books are interconnected which I do like that she implements that in her works. In this story, we have Hennesey’s book. We saw him in a couple previous books, where he ended up learning about the betrayal of someone close to him and ended up leaving the police force because he is a man of honor and integrity. But now he is returned when his father is killed. I really found this story to be engaging and thrilling in many ways and so much mystery is involved here that I was gravitated towards. The romance itself was sweet and sexy. Seeing these two who have always wanted each other, but have never embraced each other. I adored the heroine who is a secret hacker, a fun twist. Overall I found this book to be such a delight here.

The was by far my absolute favorite in the Beneath series. The character development and plot twists are INSANE. I highly underestimated Rhett from the beginning.