Aldous Huxley Annual

Aldous Huxley Annual Volume 8 (2008)

Aldous Huxley Annual is the official organ of the Aldous Huxley Society at the Centre for Aldous Huxley Studies in Munster, Germany. It publishes essays on the life, times, and interests of Aldous Huxley and his circle. It aspires to be the sort of periodical that Huxley would have wanted to read and to which he might have contributed. This issue opens with four unknown or little-known short stories by Aldous Huxley: "The Nun's Tragedy" (ca. 1921), "Over the Telephone" (1922), "Nine A.M." (1924), and "Consider the Lilies" (1954). These stories are followed by a selection of lectures from the Fourth International Aldous Huxley Symposium held in Los Angeles in July 2008, together with an article on Brave New World as a parody and satire of Wells, Ford, Freud and Behaviourism in advanced foreign language teaching. The issue closes with another lecture from the Los Angeles Symposium on Huxley as environmental prophet.
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