We Had To Remove This Post
Kayleigh needs money. That’s why she takes a job as a content moderator for a social media platform whose name she isn’t allowed to mention. Her job: reviewing offensive videos and pictures, rants and conspiracy theories, and deciding which need to be removed. It’s grueling work. Kayleigh and her colleagues spend all day watching horrors and hate on their screens, evaluating them with the platform’s ever-changing terms of service while a supervisor sits behind them, timing and scoring their assessments. Yet Kayleigh finds a group of friends, even a new love—and, somehow, the job starts to feel okay.
But when her colleagues begin to break down; when Sigrid, her new girlfriend, grows increasingly distant and fragile; when her friends start espousing the very conspiracy theories they’re meant to be evaluating; Kayleigh begins to wonder if the job may be too much for them. She’s still totally fine, though—or is she?
Corn Dawg@kat_985
Ainsley Jeffery@ainsleyjeffery
armoni mayes@armonim1
Marz @starzreads
Geoffrey Froggatt@geofroggatt
jess larry@hijess
Nessa Luna@octobertune
Ian Brakspear@ibrakspear
Amani Zaha@amanizaha
sophia n@nyx
Kyra Cracchiola@kyrareads
Tom van de Bruinhorst@tomvdbruinhorst
Stephen Parent@stevexlr
ame @sunflowertheft
Nienke Timmermans@nino244
Cass Fox@suedepony