Between Sisters
With her wedding day approaching, Claire Cavenaugh prepares to confront her estranged older sister, Meghann, a hot-shot divorce attorney, and self-absorbed mother after more than twenty years apart, and, over the course of a summer in the Pacific Northwest, the three women must find out how to overcome their differences to transform themselves into a family. Reprint.

Jaymie Lemke@lemkegirl
Once I put it down, I never picked it up again. Meh


Kweh Quiambao@gwenduling


Pamela Byrne@pamvb15

Fran Lewis@franlewis

Kayla Bruce@caffeinatedreads

Karen Shimek@karenreads

Rebecca Laparra@allthatsilence

Judy McClure@crazee4books

Lori Keenom@lorik

Katie Squires@squiggles255

Jenna Pederson@jennapederson
