
Nietzsche, oh Nietzsche. The man had swagger, that's for sure. His wordplay? Masterful sass attacks. His arguments? Well, ambition outpaced execution sometimes. Like an Olympic discus thrower on a unicycle...impressive effort, but the landing can be wobbly. Still, gotta admire his philosophical firepower, even if you wouldn't trust him to park your thoughts.

I think I've read this 5 times in 10 years. What I like about Nietzsche is that his errors are uncorrelated with the errors of his time*, and only a bit correlated with ours. Is there any higher praise, in practice? * Yes, there's misogyny, but it's different from the literal patriarch kind of the age. (Like Marx, say.) He's closer to blackpilled than trad.

The first few chapters are thought provoking and powerful, but I'm no European so idgaf about some of the later content...

As usual I feel underqualified to review another book. This was a very interesting read that I could easily recommend. It requires study and multiple reads to fully get the content that it contains so I plan to come back to it in future, but time is limited so this is it for now.

Amazing read and an invitation to reach beyond and overcome yourself. Love it.


To discover he is loved in return ought really to disenchant the lover with the beloved. What? She is so modest as to love even you? Or so stupid? Or- or-'
Oh man… if that ain’t the truth! It’s absolutely factual. I swear

wir Gelehrten S. 129 Etwas von seinem eignen Ideal verrathen, wenn er aufstellt:“ der soll der Grösste sein, der der Einsamste sein kann, der Verborgenste, der Abweichendste, der Mensch jenseits von Gut und Böse, der Herr seiner Tugenden, der Überreiche des Willens; dies eben soll Grösse heissen: ebenso vielfach als ganz, ebenso weit als voll sein können.“ Und nochmals gefragt : ist heute - Grösse möglich?