What Katy Did Next Beyond World's Classics
What Katy Did Next is the third installment of Coolidge's series about a playful young girl called Katy Carr. The story begins with Katy getting an invitation to spend a year in Europe. She is overjoyed at the thought of exploring the interesting places she has read about. However, once she gets there she faces unpleasant surprises but eventually ends up finding the greatest happiness of all.

Jasmine Stanway@jestanwaywrites
This book is very dear to me. My mom read it to me when I was very little so going back into it I didn’t remember much. But when I did I enjoyed every bit! This is a book that teaches a lesson about turning bad situations into positive ones. Like cousin Helen said, every door has two handles. And Katy chooses to turn the handle that enabled her to be content with the new life she lived for two and a half years. It matured her quite a bit, and she gained new appreciation for her family and her life in general. To me this book is perfectly timeless, and I’m sure one day I’ll read it again❤️

christina gutierrez@christinamaria
not as nice as i expected


Haleemah Sadiah@haleemahsadiah

Melanie Knight@melanie42

Ed Kay@edk

Savindi Jinasena@streetlightreader

Katie @knix

Kristen Claiborn@kristenc

Perseus Allen@purechaos

Naomi Murray@naograce

Kathy Rodger @bookatnz

Kathy Rodger @bookatnz

Bee @izziewithay

Rebecka S.@hoppeduponbooks

Pam Whitlock @pamrose57

Deborah Meades@debeth

Jonah K@jonahjules

Sofia Diaz@adastraperasperalit

Amanda Wells@amandawells

Toniy Knight@itstoniy

Marisa Shibata@smolrisa

Lucy Mills-Taylor@tiercel05

Maryam Hasan@maryh