Bitch Planet Extraordinary machine

I like the concept a lot. Rollerball meets Running Man meets Fortress meets Blood Bowl in a futuristic world where the patriarchy has run amok. The main concept is not something I haven't seen in lots of dystopian science fiction films or novels, but the gender reversal gives it a fresh angle. The characters are great, there's a slow build of indignation on behalf of women and the way they are treated and it's interesting to see where the story goes next. The art is sometimes a little crude for my taste, but I see what they were going for. Definitely worth checking out.

A very interesting story. Wish there was less nudity.

4.5 stars | "If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I ain't broke...and you bastards ain't never gonna break me."

Not sure how I felt abt this one. Rly liked the feminist take. New format than I’m used to which was interesting. Main complain is that the text is too small and I couldn’t read it but I wasn’t wearing my glasses so touché. Cool art. Weird creepy men which put the rating down 💀

Well, well, well, look who didn't like a book everyone else loves! » Blurb: "Think Margaret Atwood meets Inglourious Basterds." » Me: "I don't give a damn about Tarantino, but please don't insult Margaret Atwood." It is the second time I read a graphic novel by Kelly Sue DeConnick. It is the second time that the first thing that comes to my little mind after reading a graphic novel by Kelly Sue DeConnick is: "ERR…" ➘ ERR…because most disappointing feminist slant ever. ➘ ERR…because great premise but poor execution. ➘ ERR…because bland bland bland, flat flat flat, dull dull dull, one-dimensional characters. ➘ ERR…because barely there, uninteresting, should-have-been-amazing, paper-thin plot. ➘ ERR…because, just like in Pretty Deadly, Kelly Sue DeConnick tries too hard to be original, and clever, and cool, and hip, and wow-I'm-so-awesome. And the result is an unsatisfying, jumbled mess. ➘ ERR…because I don't like the art. At all. Because it reminds me of outdated 60s/70s B movies. Because the style changes so much from one page to the next you'd think the artist had a personality disorder. And because the color chart is all over the place. There is absolutely no unity here. ➽ And the moral of this non-review is: either this graphic novel is really a confusing mess, or I've had too much vodka again. I've had it with over-hyped crap. I'm outta here. There is a lot of nudity in this one, so if it's not your thing, stay away. Well, given my rating for this delightful masterpiece, I'd tell you to stay away from it, period. But hey, it's your life, you can waste it any way you want.

Booktube-a-thon book #2!

Actual rating is 3.5 I've heard so many great things about this series. So when I finally go a chance to read it, I was so excited. It took me a little bit to get into this story because I was a bit confused at first. But once I figured a few things out, Bitch Planet was so engrossing. I was so impressed with the depth and complexity of each character. They truly drove the story and I loved that. For you like Scifi and feminism, I'd recommend giving this a read!

This was an interesting read that made me feel feels but it was as great as I hoped it would be. I can't quite say if its a plot issue, an art issue, or a general content issue... The plot was kind of meh, but I kind of don't think the plot was this graphic novels main selling point. Why? Because this book seems to concerned with shining a light on the numerous issues that surround females in a male dominated/ruled society, and exaggerate what the consequences of what such a world can potentially look like. And it is not pretty. At least not for females. I do think this book is still worth a read though. It'll make a reader think ... Oh, BTW tons of nudity, "bad language," and violence. So, yeah. Considered yourself warned.

Bitch Planet is a place that women are sent to when they are "non-compliant". The way they define compliant is just so broad and we aren't explained who came up with how it is decided. This whole world is complicated to understand, I felt confused throughout the read. I feel like there was a lot that wasn't explained and the building of this world wasn't done well enough. The premise is interesting. It's a mix of Orange is the New Black and Death Race (movie) but I just don't see myself reading the next book/volume.

Read this at Haley's and really loved it. I am interested to see where this goes, but so far it seems thoughtful, entertaining, and impactful. Haley had the singles so she could read the essays in the back - and those are pretty dang great too.