
The Underwater Investigation Unit is a relatively new and small portion of the Florida State Police. Sloan is one of two divers that make up their three person team. When she discovers four bodies trapped in a van from 20 years ago in one of Florida’s many swampy ponds, it eats at Sloan. Things aren’t adding up and Sloan suspects this wasn’t an accident like the State Police are portraying. While digging she discovers even more missing person cases that fit a similar profile. She knows in her gut that they are all connected but she’s put herself in a new dangerous position, facing a predator out of the water. Black Coral is 308 pages and took me five days to read. I am so freaked out by deep water and the things that hide in it but I am so glad I read this book! I’m giving it a 4 out of 5! I think about this story often and can’t wait for the next in this series!! Thank you, Thomas & Mercer, for sending me this copy! Here’s to the adventure of finding a novel novel! Lacey

A fun, quick read. I really enjoy Sloan and George. My only complaint is that the story ended too quickly. I would like more info on the killer and closing things out.