Blitzed A Secret Baby Romance

It was ok .... Blitz did not wow me but it didn't make me want to DNF it, either. I don't mind insta-love in romance but I just thought the love story was just insta everything. Love, hate, forgiveness and back to love. I just thought it was rushed in areas and then some areas there was too much description over things I could care less about. I felt the author was rushing to get the story told and perhaps it would have been better to tell the story in separate books. Not bad but not the best.

I lived this book only problem is that is too short and had another book in it and when you finished the first one you are left hanging

DNF I swear i've read this exact plot before, but i am meticulous for recording the books I've read. Yet, this is the first time I've read Blitzed, and i couldn't finish it. It just seems so familiar and unrealistic.