Blood on Snow A Novel

I first want to admit that I appreciate Patti Smith as a singer and songwriter. I also want to admit that maybe it was possibly my grave error that 1) I listened to this as Nesbo's first non-Harry Hole-story as my first audiobook of his work, and 2) I put Patti Smith in an unenviable position of presenting this book. This book was dramatically different from Nebso's previous books -- it probably makes a large difference that it was done in first-person. Smith presented this book in a consistent manner. That means whether it is a murder scenario or a love scene, it is presented in exactly in the same manner. That did make it interesting -- but it also led to bit of monotony. It probably sounds odd, given the title, but the most inciting word she emitted was "blood". That is not representative of her, but just an observation. The story was interesting, and interestingly presented, but I am looking forward to going back to a Hole-centered story. Instead of being a story of pursuing a crime with a detective to the end, this was presented from the brain of a criminal. So a moderate rating is appropriate to me.

I originally bought Jo Nesbø’s books because a local bookstore was closing and the covers were cool. I forgot about them, and then my therapist recommended his books and I remembered I had them. Took me a while to get here, and I really enjoyed this book. It was a quick read but a GREAT one. I’m immediately starting the next book

Good to read a thriller for a change. Gripping, with lots of twists that I didn't see coming.

Similar in style to the Stieg Larsson novels, so, if you liked "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", you'll probably enjoy this one, as well.