圣经和合本简体版, 创世记和启示录

圣经和合本简体版, 创世记和启示录 Holy Bible, Genesis and Revelation

Bold Rain2016
The Holy Bible - Chinese Union Version (CUV) is the predominant translation of the Bible into Chinese used by Chinese Protestants, first published in 1919. The text is now in the public domain. 圣经和合本,是今日华语基督新教教会最普遍使用的《圣经》译本,问世一百年以来,一直是华人教会的权威译本,是众多信徒心爱的圣经。在1919年正式出版时,官話《圣经》译本名为《官話和合译本》,从此就成了现今大多数华語教会采用的和合本《圣经》。 本书包含:创世记,出埃及记,马太福音和启示录。 Optimized for Mobile: this book is optimized for reading on iPhone, iPad, Nook, Kobo, Android Phones and other digital devices. It contains enhanced typesetting features and a comprehensive and smart Book Navigation system.
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