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Bombshell A Hell's Belles Novel

Sarah MacLean2021
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Photo of á
3 stars
Jan 13, 2024

actually had been reading this back in march but for some reason i was bored and couldn't continue, when it's only 5 chapters left. but i tried again and hey, it's not bad. back then i just wasn't in the mood. sesily is a delight.

Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
1 star
Jan 1, 2023

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance I will admit that I was highly apprehensive about this book, while also somewhat excited. I was really hoping this would be a success for me, as her past series Bareknuckled Bastards were and even those skimmed the surface of the line I draw in the sand when it comes to historical romance, this book, this BOOK....DANG, it Sarah MacLean. I am going to make an effort to NOT rant too much in this review because my readers don't deserve it but at the same time, I do think you all deserve to know what is actually in this book and judge if its one you want to take on because this won't be for everyone. Bombshell sets the stage for a story about a group of women that come together and unite forces. All of them have unique capabilities and different personalities but they are all wanting to kick the can at society, the culture they were raised in, with little respect for those that sacrifice and make an effort to destroy those they deem unworthy. Lady Sesily doesn't care one whit for scandal, she embraces scandal and laughs in the face of those that adhere to the statutes. She is more than content being the mess maker of the group and having all the attention of society focused on her. But despite the ruckus she makes, people are in awe of her and some even respect her. She is willing to do what it takes until ....Caleb Calhou. Caleb is part of Sesily's past and one that she would like to forget. He hurt her and she is determined that he never finds out how he destroyed all her hopes and aspirations, but Caleb is determined to watch Sesily's back while she creates mayhem in London. They both have desires for each other, and hope they can get each other out of each other's systems so they can move on from the tornado of feelings they evoke in each other....but best-laid plans don't always work in the way one would expect them too. I would like to say that I enjoyed this book but I will be honest that I didn't. This book is just a prime example of the problematic journey of historical romance and I can no longer support this author. Bombshell was one of the most unbelievable books I have read in historical romance and so modernly feminists its ridiculous at times....alright most of the time. I can't tell you how many times I was rolling my eyes through it all. And I only lasted till about 70 % and I had to put it aside because really?? This is a book like the recent trend for authors to write contemporary that is dressed up as a historical. Now if this had been written as a contemporary romance, I would have enjoyed it so much more. But I have RULES for historical romance, and this stems from reading the genre for so long. I know people will struggle with this review and my RULES, but I make no apologies for how this book made me feel and I am at the end of my rope with this one. Now if you like contemporary historical's then go for it.....but please don't judge me for wanting a historical to have some realism to it. And quite frankly when authors write stories like this, it demeans the countless women who lived in this era and fought and struggled against true society standards that went against them and the sacrifices they made so we could have equality today. Some may say well its FICTION.....yeah that is true. Fiction is fiction, but I like to be somewhat closer to the real thing. Historical romance still falls under the historical fiction genre far more than the contemporary genre and I want it to feel like that. I want to sense the authenticity and I mean really this book.....the dialogue should say it all. Its like Sarah MacLean didn't even try that hard. We see words like "awesome" and I really can't stand modernisms in the dialogue. I am sure this book was written like this on purpose, with each series this author has done it has been leading to this and its a trend currently. I don't understand the tones of this book though in some ways, it was almost like having a feminism lecture preached to me at times and when I read romance I don't want to be preached to, or have feminism shoved down my throat. I mean HELLO I read historical romance.....for decades its always been about women empowerment. That is what I LOVE about the genre and writing these type of tones doesn't help or encourage or showcase the true trials of women over the centuries at least not from my perspective. I am sad to say this will be the last MacLean I am ever going to read, and probably be pickier on these more modern like historical's because they really aren't my cup of tea and this is an honest opinion and I really wanted to give this book my best shot. Now if you loved this book, then I am happy for you that you could gain something from it. We each have preferences in the books that we read, it saddens me this is the way that the genre is heading, but I also understand why this will appeal to romance readers especially newer romance readers who want these feminist themes to them. I hope Sarah MacLean will continue to write and deliver books her readership will enjoy even if this is adieu to an author that I have respected over the years.

Photo of Mariane Ferrantino
Mariane Ferrantino @marfer
2.5 stars
Nov 27, 2022

I don’t know if I wasn’t in the mindset for a historical romance, but this just didn’t do it for me. There were a lot of things I loved: feminist AF, smut was good. I didn’t connect with the characters like I wanted to.

Photo of Olivia
5 stars
Aug 11, 2022

So this book took me almost a year to read. I know. A year. What’s even more shocking about that is it didn’t take me a year to read because I hated it or something like that (I gave it 5 stars!!!) but because for the past year I have struggled to read historical romances. This one though reminded me why I love them. I am going to say more, but I want to just leave this little quote here for y’all to get a taste: “I should stop because you feel fucking glorious. Like a treasure to be thieved.” I mean, really that should let you know how much you NEED to read this book! And the way he treats her and calls her a goddess? I melt. Caleb and Sesily’s story is one I’ve waited YEARS for and it did not disappoint. The banter was phenomenal and for some reason I always worry the banter won’t keep up with the characters and I’m always proven wrong, Maclean knows how to write banter! The loyalty they have for one another is unmatched and is something I deeply resonated with. I never felt like the conflict was too contrived or unbelievable like I was expecting (plot twist, the reason they couldn’t be together was very different from what I originally thought) and the wait was worth the payoff. Longing is the word I would use to describe the book. The longing they have for one another, the buildup, the devotion Caleb and Sesily had with each other before they even knew about the others feelings, and the passion is why I love this book so much. If there is one thing I love in a book, it is characters who long for one another and this delivers. I cannot wait for Imogens book (I cannot BELIEVE she is making me wait for it!) and am so excited for Adelaide’s book that comes out in August! *I received this ARC through NetGalley and voluntarily read this book. my thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you NetGalley, Avon and Harper Voyager for giving me the chance to read an advanced copy!*

Photo of Mary Rose Luksha
Mary Rose Luksha@mayroundstone
5 stars
Jul 12, 2022

“This is how we love. Out loud. With truth. This is how we fight. Together, or not at all.” If Netflix doesn’t give this series the Bridgerton treatment I will RIOT!!!

Photo of Heather Harrington
Heather Harrington@nerdybynatureblog
2 stars
Jun 1, 2022

I've had this on my radar for a while now, so I was looking forward to finally picking it up, but I was disappointed. It felt more like a contemporary trying to be a historical romance, which wasn't what I wanted. There were a lot of phrases and word choices that didn't feel authentic for the time, so it kept taking me out of the story. I wasn't looking for complete historical accuracy, but at least to make it believable. Aside from that, I also never found myself invested in the characters or the plot. The writing felt repetitive, and the story had too much going on. I liked the premise and thought it could've been interesting with all the Dangerous Daughters moments, but it fell short. I may still give MacLean a chance since this was my first book by her, but sadly this wasn't my favorite.

Photo of Megan BV
Megan BV@megplantparm
3 stars
May 26, 2022

I absolutely loved the characters in this book. Sesily and her friends are amazing, the sisters are great, Caleb is wonderful too. I don’t read a lot of historical romance and It doesn’t bother me too much to worry if something is accurate or time appropriate or anything like that. I’m sure there were lots of badass feminists in the UK in the 1800s and this is a really fun world to be a part of. My biggest issue was getting into/ following the story. I loved the characters and setting but just couldn’t really immerse myself in the book. It almost felt like a chore to read and I don’t love that feeling. Overall I enjoyed it. Caleb and Sesily are beautiful and deserve all the things. And I probably will read at least the next book in the series.

Photo of fransarylibros
5 stars
Apr 15, 2022

Sarah confirmed that this will be Sesily's book..Yay! Finished! Loved it! We knew and loved, Sesily, Caleb, the Dangerous daughters. I absolutely adored the rest of the Belles, my personal favorite is Adelaide as I see more of myself in her! We also got mentions of previous book heroines, I was laughing at that part actually!!

Photo of danielle bush
danielle bush@daniereads87
5 stars
Nov 29, 2021

Sarah MacLean is an autobuy author for me and with the first book in the Hells Bells series she knocked it out of the park!! I absolutely love Siselly Talbot! She is a take no prisoners, knife weilding, kick ass women who doesn't want to let people who are abusing their powers win.. Siselly and her tight knit group of friends are working in the shadows, and thats how they like it.. They are protecting women, when no one else can or will step up... When during one of their plans, things go slightly sideways when Caleb Calhoun, see her wander off and knowing that she gets herself into trouble constantly decides hes going to follow. Caleb and Siscelly have a bit of a complicated history, they both think the other arent interested but they both have some strong feelings for each other which has led to some miscommunications. It doesn't help that Caleb has a few secrets of his own, and spends most of his time in Boston. Siscelly is the one that saves the day, while she wants someone.. namely Caleb.. to standby her side, she can absolutely take care of herself.. In fact the only time she gets into some tight spots is when she is worried about him. I could feel the chemistry between them jumping off the page, and was rooting for Caleb to get his head out of his butt, and let himself love Siscelly. The ending was great, Siscelly and her friends are masterminds at what they do and it absolutley shows.. I absolutely can't wait for more books in this series..

Photo of Alice
3 stars
Nov 17, 2021


Photo of Genny Santellan
Genny Santellan@gennysreadingroom
5 stars
Nov 17, 2021

I mean come on, there was no way I wasn’t going to absolutely adore this book. I’ve seen reviews on here about it not being historically accurate and to that I say, really??? But 800 hot Dukes with perfect teeth and tons of money are??? This book is everything I want in a modern historical, exploring what’s happening today through a historical lens! I can’t wait for Adelaide’s story next!

Photo of Alexis
Alexis @alexisdanielle
4 stars
Nov 16, 2021

4/5 Stars ** I received this as an E-ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review, Thank you!** This is the first book I've read by Sarah MacLean and I had a great time with it. I enjoyed the plot and the writing. I really loved the characters. I loved that we had a group of women that were fierce and independent. I had a great time reading the romance. I loved their chemistry from the very beginning, so watching that grow as the book went on just made me love them more! I can't wait to read more from Sarah MacLean. I would for sure recommend giving this a read!

Photo of b.andherbooks
5 stars
Oct 9, 2021

I'm going to be honest, I read this wonderful series starter over the weekend and it was a balm to my soul and I 100% didn't read it critically I only read it for my pleasure, and WORTH EVERY MINUTE. This book has everything I love bantering while brawling, TENSION, pining, longing, fire inducing attraction, and hidden weapons oh my. Plus the hint of a future couple in the series has already made me desperate for that book. I'll reread again soon and do a more coherent review some other day, for now, thank you Sarah MacLean, I adore your words. 09/2021 - audiobook listen (thank you HarperAudio and LibroFM for the ALC) Mary Jane Wells did a sublime job narrating Bombshell - I loved every second of this listen. I even really loved her Caleb American accent! Also, thank you to Sarah MacLean and the gamekeeper's cottage scene for keeping me company over four commutes and VERY happy. I'm so excited to read more about this crew of women, and especially to meet Imogen and the Inspector's HEA someday (fingers crossed)!

Photo of karina
3 stars
Mar 29, 2024
Photo of Hannekei
4 stars
Aug 22, 2022
Photo of Ella Patterson
Ella Patterson@ellapatterson
3 stars
Jul 1, 2022
Photo of Alicia Haws
Alicia Haws@aliciareadsit
4 stars
Oct 12, 2021
Photo of Aksa karim
Aksa karim@readers_abode
3.5 stars
Sep 30, 2021
Photo of min.
5 stars
Jan 7, 2024
Photo of Lydia Ford
Lydia Ford@escapist_books
5 stars
Oct 5, 2022
Photo of Haley Murray
Haley Murray@fortunesdear
4 stars
Oct 4, 2022
Photo of Ashlee
4 stars
May 2, 2022
Photo of Aisha
2 stars
Mar 1, 2022
Photo of Sheila Masterson
Sheila Masterson@starsagespirit
4 stars
Feb 28, 2022

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