Preparation: [H]Ead

Preparation: [H]Ead Literature Suppository

Levittown, Pa could win an award for Most Eclectic Collection of Oddball Characters Known in the History of Suburban Living. One might attribute it to the heavily-chlorinated tap water, trauma from a Ginacotti(tm) napalming or subconscious indoctrination by warbly-toned O'Boyle's trucks. Whatever the actual source may be, a fact not debatable is that most people in Levittown look at life through a very ripply window. In the late 80s there was quite a literary scene albeit, mostly pronounced upon the pages of what was known as the "Illegal Pad" where a dedicated few took seriously the art of bastardizing proper literary form in the face of academia at the lunch table over a breadtangle of freshly-unfrozen pizza. Though the Pad met its demise in a flood, many of its works were rediscovered in a pile of continuous form, green-stripey dot-matrix printouts. Once the fun of pulling apart the perforated tabs subsided, this book was assembled.
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