Boomerang A Boomerang Novel


¡¿Qué fue ese final, me explicas?! Es demasiado abierto para mi gusto, se siente como si se acabase de sopetón. ¡Noooo! ¿Y qué con la decisión final de Ethan? O sea, está bien que sigas tus sueños y eso, pero es mejor tener un plan, qué irresponsable de su parte me pareció. ¿Y qué pasa con todo el mundo? Simplemente NO lo sabemos. Es que, al menos un epílogo, ¿no? Todo es demasiado repentino. Estoy indignada. Okay, ahora que ya he expresado mi descontento, paso a mi opinión. La verdad es que me gustan ambos personajes, y la historia en general. Es como una película de comedia romántica (y a mí me encantan, soy una obsesa), pero no es nada relevante ni memorable. Me refiero a que, está bien para pasar el tiempo, pero no para convertirse en tu libro favorito o uno de los favoritos del año, simplemente nope. Al principio estaba pensando darle 3.5, pero luego de ese final, el 3 cerrado me parece justo. Lo dicho, no es memorable. Es decir Ethan me gustaba, pero no se convertiría en uno de mis muchos amores literarios. Mia me gustaba, pero tampoco es que la admire. No es un personaje femenino común, pero no tiene ese algo especial. Su relación estaba bien, pero tampoco son OTP. En general todo es demasiado superficial. Es como ver una comedia romántica mega ligera, en serio. Pero aunque lo anterior suene mal, no lo es. He pasado un buen rato leyendo este libro.

a healthy, sweet, respectful relationship? in my NA? it's less likely than you think but IT WAS HERE IN THIS BOOK AND I REJOICED. this was so sweet and fun. i laughed a lot and i loved both the main characters. the ending was a tad rushed but it was really enjoyable.

I found out about this book because HarperCollins contacted me to review Rebound for their blog tour. Since it is the second book, I decided to purchase Boomerang and read the series from the beginning. This story starts with our two MC's, Mia and Ethan waking up together after a night they spent together but have no recollection of. Mia wake up in a hurry because she is late for her new job and it turns out, Ethan is late to his first day on the job as well. They both get in the same cab and when they arrive their destinations, they find out that they will be competing for their job position at Boomerang, an online dating company, since there is only one spot available and there are rules: Relationship between the interns is forbidden. Mia and Ethan try to avoid one another but their attraction is undeniable. I was expecting to love this book because the premise sounds interesting but it turns out, I only liked it. Do not get me wrong. The story is great, the characters are great, but I just wanted more...excitement and more situations where these two characters had more chances to get together alone. Aside from that, it was an enjoyable story that many will love. The romance was built up slowly, which is something I am liking very much in NA books and pretty much any category. These two characters got to start off as friends and their witty conversations were fun to read about. The friends Mia and Ethan have are amazing. They are fun and loyal and very interesting. The one character that I actually loved but the characters disliked was Cookie. She is very demanding and kind of rude, but she made the story quite fun. "Get them to me in an hour or I'll have your Puerto Rican ass deported, and no, I don't care if that's impossible. I could find a way and don't you doubt it for one goddamn..." Crazy Cookie right there. I found this part funny because I am Puerto Rican and still live here. I am most looking forward to Rebound because the hot-shot boss of Mia and Ethan, Adam Blackwood, gets his story and I'm very excited about this! I still don't know if I will like him with Alison, who is Ethan's ex but I guess we will see.

La historia estuvo divertida, nada fuera de lo normal... pero quedé con un mal sabor de boca por los errores que presenta la edición. Palabras mal escritas, letras perdidas y errores en los guiones. Historia: bien.

This one gets a solid four star review from me . It was such a fun read. It has great dialogue and some wonderful characters it was fun really. The perfect easy read

4 Stars.

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads . I learned something important today: I must read author bios more closely when I do promo posts. Why? you may ask. What does this have to do with Boomerang? I HAD NO IDEA NOELLE AUGUST WAS REALLY VERONICA ROSSI AND ANOTHER AUTHOR WRITING TOGETHER. Ok, now I feel better. Seriously, I loved this book. It was everything I could want in a new adult book. It was sassy and sexy, sweet and funny. When Mia awakens naked with total(ly gorgeous) stranger Ethan, she doesn't remember the details of how they met or what they did together. She also doesn't know that things are about to get a whole lot more interesting for both of them as they realize that not only their internships are with the same company, but that they're competing for a coveted position within Boomerang. Boomerang might be a dating company, but they have a strict policy that forbids coworkers from dating each other. So no matter the attraction and chemistry they shared, a relationship of any kind between Mia and Ethan is out of the question while they're both interning with Boomerang. The full-time job that's up for grabs is something both characters desperately want/needs, so they're willing to try to put a cap on their attraction and see what happens. Of course, the more they work together, the more difficult it is to resist each other – and it's even harder to watch the other person go on the requisite dates with Boomerang clients. Things were bound to begin to get messy. Mia and Ethan were absolute GOLD together. Not only did they have the sassy and sarcastic banter I love in books like this, but they complemented each other perfectly. I thoroughly enjoyed watching their relationship grow as they spent more time together for work. Of course, it was even more fun to read along as the oh-so-fuzzy details of their night together began to come back to them. Steamy! But, more than the steam factor was the actual slow burn with which their relationship built. There were some great, swoony moments in this book that gave me all kinds of feels. I'm so excited about this new series. This was one of those books I didn't know much about before I sat down to read it, but once I started, I couldn't think of putting it down. I can't wait until boss man Adam gets his own book this fall! I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via Edelweiss, in exchange for an honest review.

This book was so much fun! Beyond fun. It was awesome!! Written by two incredible authors that together formed a wonderful writing duo. Unlike any other New Adult book I've read before. If you're sick of the same old NA story, this one will definitely make you smile. It's one of my very favorite NA books so far this year!

I found out about this book because HarperCollins contacted me to review Rebound for their blog tour. Since it is the second book, I decided to purchase Boomerang and read the series from the beginning. This story starts with our two MC's, Mia and Ethan waking up together after a night they spent together but have no recollection of. Mia wake up in a hurry because she is late for her new job and it turns out, Ethan is late to his first day on the job as well. They both get in the same cab and when they arrive their destinations, they find out that they will be competing for their job position at Boomerang, an online dating company, since there is only one spot available and there are rules: Relationship between the interns is forbidden. Mia and Ethan try to avoid one another but their attraction is undeniable. I was expecting to love this book because the premise sounds interesting but it turns out, I only liked it. Do not get me wrong. The story is great, the characters are great, but I just wanted more...excitement and more situations where these two characters had more chances to get together alone. Aside from that, it was an enjoyable story that many will love. The romance was built up slowly, which is something I am liking very much in NA books and pretty much any category. These two characters got to start off as friends and their witty conversations were fun to read about. The friends Mia and Ethan have are amazing. They are fun and loyal and very interesting. The one character that I actually loved but the characters disliked was Cookie. She is very demanding and kind of rude, but she made the story quite fun. "Get them to me in an hour or I'll have your Puerto Rican ass deported, and no, I don't care if that's impossible. I could find a way and don't you doubt it for one goddamn..." Crazy Cookie right there. I found this part funny because I am Puerto Rican and still live here. I am most looking forward to Rebound because the hot-shot boss of Mia and Ethan, Adam Blackwood, gets his story and I'm very excited about this! I still don't know if I will like him with Alison, who is Ethan's ex but I guess we will see.