Born in Fire

I enjoyed it and I think I chuckled a few times. This was fast paced and I was surprised when I reached the end. I will be reading the next few books soon. I usually dislike Graphic Audio audiobooks because the sounds effects are too loud. This was at least tolerable. Only a few times did I find myself removing an ear cup to take away the sound effects. I won't take away from the book rating for something that has nothing to do with what the author wrote.

this was a free book on amazon decide to give it a go. you have magic bounty hunter female who is funny, tough & a loner but has to team up with a elder vampire to fight evil. it was very action packed and kept my interest. I enjoyed.

☠ DNF at: who the fish knows? Reading 50% of this book (aka a whooping 135 pages) felt like reading Ulysses twice. From back to front and upside down. You think I bothered checking the percentage after that? Some reviewers People of Utterly Despicable Book Taste of Doom (PoUDBToD™) say this series reminds them of Kate Bloody Shrimping Daniels (KBSD™). Note to self: stay calm, Sarah. Stay calm. The murderous crustaceans are exhausted after their latest launch, and need to rest. Please try and refrain from unleashing them on the PoUDBToD™, no matter how much these puny humans deserve it. Think of your children, Sarah! Think of your children! Seriously?! This PoC™ reminds you PoUDBToD™ of KBSD™?! Get ahold of yourself, Sarah! The children! The children! Sure, no problem. I can do this. I can make light of this blatant, shameless, most insulting insult to the Queen of Urban Fantasy and Its Multitudinous Neighboring Universes (QoUFaIMNU™) slight lack of judgment on your part, PoUDBToD™. Absolutely. Of course. I got this and stuff. Okay, this is obviously not working, so let's try and focus on the positively delightful things this most wonderful book has to offer: ✔ The story is boring as fish and cliched as shrimp! Which was to be expected since the name of this trilogy is as tediously boring and ridiculously cliched as the story! Or is it the other way around?! Who the shrimp knows?! Yay! ✔ The characters are as likable as a bunch of anemically decrepit barnacles! I didn't give a bloody stinking fish about any of them! They all could have died a horribly painful, somewhat excruciating death, for all I cared! Yay! ✔ The heroine is wonderfully TSTL and beautifully exasperating! It seems some author I shall not mention thinks big-mouthed MCs with enough attitude to sink continents = strong female lead! Surprise! It does not! Yay! Wait! I forgot to mention the MC has the dazzling maturity of a 2-year-old, too! Yay again! ✔ The male lead is a total scumbag with asshole tendencies! But that's to be expected! He's a pathetic vamp, after all! Yay! ✔ The relationship between Miss TSTL and Mr Scumbag Asshole makes no bloody shrimping sense whatsoever! But that's alright! Neither does the book! Nor anything in it! Yay! And THIS ↑↑ reminds some people of Kate Bloody Shrimping Daniels??!! To hell with the kids! This is more than my black, withered heart can bear! Fleet Admiral DaShrimp! Unleash the crustaceans! Be afraid, PoUDBToD™, be very afraid, for the decapodic apocalypse is nigh. (view spoiler)[ (hide spoiler)]

The bate’s are my favourite people ever love them, Reagan is kinda of a dick but like in oh dear parent issues kind of way. Just light and funny

I discovered this author through her Leveling Up series which I adore. However, I was disappointed with this series. Now, I have only read book 1 so I am hoping books 2 and 3 are better. I do enjoy the main character of this book, Reagan. She’s a badass woman who is used to doing things on her own and knows that the only person she can fully trust and rely on is herself. I love the relationships she has with others and I love her self-motivation. Darius annoyed me more than anyone else in this book. I’m glad that right now he seems to be reliable, but I don’t expect that to continue. Maybe I’m simply cynical, but we will see. Also, his character seemed very back and forth. I felt that he was really two different people put into one and I found myself confused at the storyline when it involved him. Dizzy and Callie are great! I love the relationship, past and present, with Reagan and I am hopeful for future encounters. For some reason, I had a hard time keeping my attention on this book. While it was well-written, I found my mind wandering and it was difficult to read more than a few pages at a time before reaching for my phone to do other things. Maybe I just need a short paranormal break before I read book 2.

this was a free book on amazon decide to give it a go. you have magic bounty hunter female who is funny, tough & a loner but has to team up with a elder vampire to fight evil. it was very action packed and kept my interest. I enjoyed.