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Photo of Monicap
5 stars
Apr 29, 2024

I legit just finished this book two seconds ago, and it's kind of hard to type because my hands are sort of shaking. but that was perfect. the ABSOLUTE perfect ending. I actually feel like I could achieve glory right now, because my heart just feels so light. I'll type something more coherent as soon as I can, you know, type again. 30 minutes later. I did some homework, and I can type again. I don't how I'm going to talk about this book. IT WAS SO GOOD.

Photo of Vesselina
1 star
Dec 22, 2022

Okay, so now I know why I waited to long to read it and why I wasn't so excited to do it. I am... disappointed, to say at least. I had really high expectations, but no, I was disappointed. I was annoyed at how Clara never seemed to know what she feels and toward who. And I hate who she choose.

Photo of Allison Garrett
Allison Garrett@bookish_insomniac
4 stars
Jul 24, 2022

I really enjoyed this entire series as a whole. Clara was a great protagonist and her story was interesting and laid out in a clear and hilarious way through her. The idea of everything was very unique and I genuinely enjoyed the way that Hand wrote as well as her story. The ending seemed a little rushed, but with the way she ended it I couldn't see her finishing off such a great series in any other way. I hope to hear of more things that she will write in the future.

Photo of Somya Verma
Somya Verma@somyaverma
4 stars
Jun 22, 2022

Throughout the book, I was loving the excitement I felt every time i flipped the page. The entire book had me on the edge of my seat because of the amazing adrenaline rush it provides you with. This book is about how Clara Gardener finds her true purpose as being an angel. She is a fighter the entire time and when she guesses that her purpose is to be Christians soul mate, she fights it to be with the true love of her life, her best friends brother, Tucker Avery. I loved this book and would recommend it to a young adult audience.

Photo of Marissa Luzio
Marissa Luzio @marissacelina
5 stars
May 18, 2022

You guys don't even understand how much I wanted to write this review!! I cried so much! I bawled my eyes out! Like, the ending was so heartbreaking, either for good reasons or bad reasons I will not say, you will have to read and find out! I wish I could confess everything that happened in this book and rave about every last bit, but unfortunately I can't :( YOU GUYS HAVE TO READ IT And if you haven't even read the series yet and just checking out this review for some reason, READ BOOK 1 AND BOOK 2! I cannot express how much I want you guys to experience this. I have not raved about a book like this in a very long time! In the book, Cynthia Hand really wraps things up. But still keeps you at the edge of your seats just waiting to see what she'll throw at us! Like I remember reading the very last few pages of the book and thinking.. holy shit. She's still throwing surprises at us! Even the last page was really a shock! THE LAST PAGE! It literally made you want to turn this trilogy into a full blown series and beg her for more. I will never understand how I survived the day I finished this book after knowing it was the last for Unearthly It was too good of a series to even finish! I've read series where they are like 10 books long and with bad reviews. All I'm saying is that, I wish this were more than a trilogy. But it was a FANTASTIC friggan trilogy. Read it, like now.

Photo of Nicki
3 stars
Apr 8, 2022

bitter because you know. >.>

Photo of Katelyn Broad
Katelyn Broad@katelyneli
5 stars
Mar 21, 2022

I love this series and I'm sad that it's over. This book, however, was the perfect finale to a great series. This book follows Clara as she goes to college and tries to leave the memories of her old town (and old flame Tucker) behind. She believes she is doing what is best for everyone, although she is leaving herself out of that equation. Evil doesn't stay away for long though, she soon finds out that she's been followed and that her friends are in danger. Holy crap this book took me for an emotional roller coaster ride. As any normal person (or nerdy fan girl) would do, I took a side on the team Tucker/team Christian dilemma after the first book and haven't changed my mind. This book had me wondering who she would end up with, but after everything that happened in this book it became less and less important. In the end, I was happy with who she ended up with and found the ending to be very satisfying.

Photo of Cindy Lee
Cindy Lee@cinderblock
3 stars
Jan 4, 2022

More of my reviews at Secrets of Lost Words. Rating: C+ This is the ULTIMATE CONCLUSION to the series! Wonder what will happen ;) I have to be honest.. I had no frickin idea what was going on. Like, I literally remember nothing from the two previous books. I only vaguely remember something about Tucker and Clara at prom and how he drove her back. Yep, I have the worst memory ever. It's really absorb and dump for me. Anyways, I felt like this book didn't have a satisfactory ending. With my limited memory, I even felt kinda sad. Like at the end, I was like, That's it? I was wondering if Clara would get more purposes and all that stuff. My favorite chapter was the epilogue :) It was just so sweet and it made everything come to an end. The plot was pretty good. Clara had to worry about all these different things and she doesn't have time. She had to figure out her purpose, what's wrong with Angela, how to get her brother to listen, and her own problems with Christian and Tucker. She really worked hard to do everything and save everyone even though sometimes that might seem crazy or impossible. Clara remained a strong character throughout the book and I really liked that :) -Ranting Teen- One problem though (just my preference). I DESPERATELY NEEDED MORE TUCKER IN THIS. LIKE SERIOUSLY.. We only saw him like once, twice, or thrice throughout the first half of the book. And you know what? IT'S NOT ENOUGH.. Okay? Like seriously, I don't really care about Christian (I do, just not as much). Oh Tucker, my sweet cowboy T__T He's just awesome, k? (Don't you dare argue with moi!)

Photo of Justine Rose
Justine Rose@justineslibrary
4 stars
Nov 17, 2021

I loved this book, and although I'm a firm Tucker lover, i did grow to like Christian a bit more in this book which was highly unexpected, considering i had been talking about killing him before i read this book :L But i loved the ending i just wish there had been more details :( i did cry like a baby when something happened to Tucker, and i have a few of his quotes on my wall :') overall, love the series :$

Photo of Izzy
4 stars
Nov 10, 2021

OH. MY. GOD. What should I say about this book? It's the last book of the Unearthly Series by Cynthia Hand and I really loved the previous books so I was kinda excited how the whole story will end and guess what, I frickin' loved it! It was a great ending to an awesome series that I'm gonna miss so badly. I'm so happy that Clara chose Tucker. But this was sort of obviously because he is the one she really does love, not Christian(which I never really liked though) The story about Angela shocked me a bit because I didn't expect that something like that would happen. woha. But I liked (: Thank you Cynthia for such wonderful books!

Photo of Kim
4 stars
Oct 6, 2021

I loved this series so much. Right up until the (almost) end. I know it's unfair to judge the book based on who Clara winds up with, but I can't help it. I need a few days and hopefully I'll get over it.

Photo of Jeri
5 stars
Aug 30, 2021


Photo of Kristen Thomas
Kristen Thomas@kristenjulianne
5 stars
Jul 5, 2024
Photo of Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre@savedbyjane
3 stars
May 30, 2024
Photo of Ashley shackelford
Ashley shackelford@ashlizshack
5 stars
Apr 29, 2024
Photo of Sofia Bautista
Sofia Bautista @sofiabeehere
4 stars
Jan 18, 2024
Photo of Rianne van der Wiel
Rianne van der Wiel@rianne0401
4 stars
Jan 1, 2024
Photo of Jade Warren
Jade Warren@jade286
3 stars
Oct 1, 2023
Photo of karrington pease
karrington pease @karr
5 stars
Jul 24, 2023
Photo of Jane Huber
Jane Huber@janehub
2 stars
May 12, 2023
Photo of M.G Derio
M.G Derio @mderig
4 stars
Jan 29, 2023
Photo of Shannon Haufler
Shannon Haufler@shannonhaufler
3 stars
Dec 28, 2022
Photo of DeoDone Gous
DeoDone Gous@ddg_booked
3 stars
Dec 28, 2022
Photo of Lorelei Petcu
Lorelei Petcu@loreleei
5 stars
Dec 19, 2022