Motor Crush
The acclaimed sci-fi action-adventure series MOTOR CRUSHreturns with another burst of hot pink energy! Domino Swift is used to gunning for victory on theracetrack. But what happens when a far bigger trophy is on the line? As Dominostruggles to understand her mysterious past and tumultuous present, the futureof all humanity rests in her hands. Will she make it to the finishline? Collects MOTORCRUSH #12-16

Abi Baker@wicdiv
The colouring for Motor Crush is always absolutely gorgeous. I truly am worried for Domino. She can't seem to go without having crush every couple of hours now and it's completely affecting her rides. If she doesn't win, she can't help out Lola and be at the top like she should be. She's losing all her races, the pain of not having crush knocking her off her bike, but then, a mysterious stranger offers her help, and crush. I love this comic, it's one of my favourites, and the intrigue around Domino and her story as a racer is just wonderful to me. The cover for the next issue looks gorgeous as always, and the art and story just seems to keep getting better.

Abi Baker@wicdiv

Abi Baker@wicdiv

Abi Baker@wicdiv

Abi Baker@wicdiv

Abi Baker@wicdiv

Abi Baker@wicdiv

Abi Baker@wicdiv

Abi Baker@wicdiv






Abi Baker@wicdiv

Abi Baker@wicdiv