Far Cries

Far Cries

The Leamey’s is an epic story of hardship, devotion and love of an Irish family living in Doonas Ireland in the 1840s, where they are taken to the depths of despair, separated by hardship and starvation during the potato famine and overcoming immense tragedy which split the family to three Continents on a journey so incredible it test the souls to breaking point, where hope and determination creates great triumphs of the human spirit. Brian Leamey is very angry but worried for his family when he’s convicted of assaulting a Police Officer. His beloved wife and family are devastated when he is sentenced to ten years on a wretched penal colony on the infamous Van Diemans land. He is transported almost immediately. His wife Kate is now left to bring up their children alone, Patrick, Katherine and Tomas. Lonely and desperate Kate struggles to survive, and when the devastation of the potato famine hits Ireland starvation and disease follows. Meanwhile, on Van Deamans Land Brian is forced to hard labour where his tormentors inform him of the tragedy currently sweeping Ireland, Brian is horror-stricken, but can do nothing. His young family are suffering at the mercy of the famine he is just devastated and doesn’t know what to do. Seeing her family suffering Kate confides in the oldest boy Patrick that he must fend for himself now and find a new life, he must get out of Ireland, and he must find his own path of survival. Kate arranges Patrick’s transportation to America with his Uncle and Aunty along with thousands more Irish people. It is hard for her but she does it out of love. Patrick is taken on a sweeping journey across America, all the while having one focus, to have his family reunited. He must make it to Van Diemans land to find his father. He must. So begins Patrick’s amazing heartfelt journey across America in a land that tests his conviction, a tumultuous land of violence, poverty and fortune, where bare-knuckle fighting can lead to regaled opportunities, a time of the gold rush, and the mania of staking a claim among ruthless and desperate criminals. The Leamey’s adventure is a breathless tale of one man’s brutal survival, and another man who never loses hope that his dreams just may come true.
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