
It was good. Nice start. Nice story. Fun stuff. Great artwork!

So... here's the thing... This one gets +1 star for Deodato's FUCKING AMAZING artwork. The artwork is SO nice. SO good. Loving it. Anyway.. the story is ok. Besides the Mary Jane stuff which I absolutely had no interest in... cuz it was like the thing to do to get people to read this, and the fans be all "WOAH" "I'm shocked" "Look what they did"... all of that was boring at best. Anyway, so besides all that, the story was good. Interesting and with lots of good changes. Still like the new iron suit, glad Rhodey was in the story and he was much more of a co-star than just a guest or something, with his own voice. Liked the Spidey appearance too. Main story was great! And in the middle of things it gets to a real page turner. So.. if you want to read the road to Civil War II like me, you won't get disappointed for sure. And also if I didn't mention: Mike Deodato's Artwork. That's all you need.

Was the weakest of the whole 3 volumes... it was ok. But whatever was happening in the event you could sum it all up over there and not even go into details over here, meh.