"Meet Jessica Jones, one-time costumed heroine turned private investigator. After realizing that her powers were unremarkable compared to those of the icons in the Marvel Universe, Jones gave up being a super hero and eventually opened up a detective agency. While her intent to help others is intact, her personal behavior is anything but valiant: She is bitter, resentful and self-destructive. In lieu of professional help, Jessica battles her inferiority complex and depression with a chain-smoking habit and alcoholic tendencies. In spite of her self-imposed exile from the spandex crowd, Jessica's cases continually lead her back to her old circle of acquaintances, which only fuels her angst even more"--Amazon.

lucia arenas@siuxsie
El final casi me hizo vomitar flores y corazones, pero fuera todo estoy muy contenta con haber decidido leer estos comics.

Jennifer Dieter@jdeets03
I really enjoyed this series and Jessica Jones as a character. I'm not sure how I feel about reading the continuation of her story in The Pulse. I like the gritty artwork and adult themes that make her character more believable and well-rounded.

James Dziemianzuk @jamesdz


Michael Springer@djinn-n-juice

Michael Springer@djinn-n-juice

Jeff James@unsquare



Didi Chanoch@didichanoch

Didi Chanoch@didichanoch


lucia arenas@siuxsie

Dario Santos @dario

Audrey Vandecauter @alanabelle



Samiha Tasnim@samihatasnim


Jennifer Dieter@jdeets03

Mayra Melo@mayramelo

Mayra Melo@mayramelo

Sam Spott@samalot

Sean McGilvray@semanticdrifter