Bright Lights, Big City
You are at a nightclub talking to a girl with a shaved head. The club is either Heartbreak or the Lizard Lounge. All might become clear if you could just slip into the bathroom and do a little more Bolivian Marching Powder. Then again, it might not... So begins our nameless hero's trawl through the brightly lit streets of Manhattan, sampling all this wonderland has to offer yet suspecting that tomorrow's hangover may be caused by more than simple excess. Bright Lights, Big City is an acclaimed classic which marked Jay McInerney as one of the major writers of our time.

Colton Ray@coltonmray

Summer Stanley@sgs

Grace McCarter@gracemccarter

Sophie Shrimpton@sinta

Alex Stelzhammer@a_stelzhammer

Udit Desai@uydesai

B.A. Bacigal@creeke

Jorrit Beukers@jorrit

Konrad Lischka@klischka

Hanna Schacter@hschacter

Helen Bright@lemonista

Vincent de Widt@vdewidt

Tracy K@phoneticrenderer

Sara Sunshine@sarasunsh

Maurice FitzGerald@soraxtm


Dr Seth Jones@sdjones

Duality Diva@dualitydiva

Nora @ngoldie

Judy Hutchins @bruceschick


Audrey Kalman@audkal

Harish Kilaru@harish

Jeff James@unsquare