Our Love Unhinged

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads. I'm going to keep my review of Our Love Unhinged super short and sweet. It was amazing. Absolute perfection. If you're a fan of the Reluctant Hearts series, you'll absolutely want to read this book. (If you haven't already by the time you see this review.) If you've not yet read this series, stop everything and get on that immediately. Seriously. This book was practically made of feels. I felt them all, too. I was crying and swooning all over the place. I still love Winter and Cade so very much. It was wonderful to watch them get their happily ever after because they both deserved it. I also loved getting more from Tessa and Jase (!!!!!!) and Paige and Adam, too. Our Love Unhinged was a super quick read and it was swoony and sexy AF – an absolute must read. I'm so glad Brighton chose to write this novella and, even though I'm sad this series I loved so very much is over, I couldn't be happier with how it all wrapped up. I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. FAVORITE QUOTES I'm willing to bleed myself dry for him, too. I'm willing to give him all of me—every crazy, screwed up piece—because we work. What we have together now is perfect. And I don't ever want it to change. I have the perfect ring and the perfect girl. Now I just need the perfect proposal. "Do you want to be with me for the rest of your life? "Of course. Of course." "Then we'll figure everything else out as we go." There's only so much heartbreak a person should be expected to suffer in a lifetime. I'm just not sure I could survive the aftermath of being left again. No fear. No questioning. No uncertainty. Just love.