Summary Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts

Summary Catalogue of Greek Manuscripts

This is the first comprehensive guide to one of the world's greatest collections of Greek manuscripts. Fully indexed, it describes all the Library's manuscripts in the Greek language, with the exception of the separate collections of papyri and ostraca. Ranging in date from the 3rd century B.C. to the present century, these manuscripts comprise mainly Biblical, patristic, liturgical, classical texts, but also include papers of scholars relating to Greek texts. This first volume decribes nearly 600 manuscripts that form part of the Arundel, Burney, Harley, King's, Lansdowne, Royal, Stowe and Yates Thompson collections or which have been added to the continuing series of Additional and Egerton Manuscripts since 1925. There is also a list of facsimiles, microfilms and photographs of Greek manuscripts in other institutions held by the British Library. (Volume I thereby covers all the volumes not listed in M. Richard, "Inventaire des manuscrits grecs du British Museum", Paris 1952. The forthcoming Volume 2 will describe the manuscripts listed by Richard.)
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