Symmetries in Science
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale undertook to honor Albert Einstein as scientist and as humanitarian in commemo ration of his lOOth birthday during an "Albert Einstein Centennial Week", February 23 - March 2, 1979. During the course of this week two Symposia were held, entitled "Symmetries in Science" and "Einstein: Humanities Conscience", in addition to cultural and social activities honoring Einstein. This volume presents the Symposium "Symmetries in Science". It reflects the outstanding response that was given to our "Albert Einstein Centennial Week" by the international community of scientists. The motivation to have a celebration honoring Albert Einstein at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale was supplied by Dr. Paul A. Schilpp, the editor of the "Library of Living Philo sophers". Albert Einstein has contributed to this series with his autobiographical notes, a kind of autobiography of his scientific life, in a volume entitled "Einstein: Scientist-Philosopher", the most popular among all the outstanding volumes of this series. Dr. Paul A. Schilpp's presence at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale provided a natural link for an Einstein Celebration as a kind of a continuation of the contribution he made to mankind through the Einstein volume of his "Library of Living Philosophers".