


Scott Pilgrim is a terrible person. His relationship with Knives, I thought, was over with. But apparently not. http://www.pussreboots.pair.com/blog/...

Scott is a drama queen. That's basically it.


Fun to read. Illustrations were cool and well-drawn.

I feel like laughing and crying at how adorably trashy the story is, and how ludicrous the characters are turning out to be.

Upon a friend's recommendation, I have begun reading the series and it is eerie and weird and at times trashy, but a gem nonetheless so far.

عشوائية, طول وقت القراءة ماكان عندي اهتمام وين القصة ماشية. حتى طريقة الكتابة ماكانت من الأساس تشدك تكمل.

People loved these?

i don’t know WHY but this is my favorite one in the series so far

Even greater in color

Esto fue algún tipo de broma a la que todo el mundo le hizo gracia y la pudo entender menos yo.

This was so much fun! Such a cute and funky comic; I can’t wait to read the rest of the series

Reread the colour edition. The colourist that O'Malley uses is fantastic! It was also interesting to go back to SP1 after reading Seconds. Wow, has O'Malley improved!

Reread the colour version Nov 2014. Loving the details that are so visible in these larger hard covers!

As a Canadian, every time I see something like Tim Hortons make it into a mainstream publication, I revert to my teenage years and squee heartily! I really enjoyed the Canadian/Toronto locales in this volume because representation for marginalised Canadians, yo! (Okay, we're not really marginalised, but we are easily pleased with Canadian content! You want to see us smile, right?) Also, I think this is the first time readers start to get an inkling that Scott is very much an unreliable narrator beyond just the fact that he's a doofus. Three books in and the story starts to move from generic silly 20-somethings in a video game world to hey, these people are kinda messed up and there's definitely something going on in the background in secret that's pretty creepy. (Originally read way back when the movie came out, and then a few times after that. This re-read is of the colour editions)

The calm before the storm book. Scott actually tries to be a competent adult for a bit while getting chased by ninjas! Still not sure of the Lisa Miller plot line (all the girls love Scott!), but this volume did a good job at showing characters moving forward and getting stuck in ruts at the same time. Too bad the good days can't last... (Originally read when the movies came out and a couple times after that. This re-read is of the colour version)

Serves as a good introduction to the series's universe, but ultimately not the strongest of the bunch.

Has a number funny moments, and now that you're more familiar with the characters, the world really starts coming to life in this one.

Not necessarily the *best* one, but I think this is the most enjoyable individual volume, since it's less angsty that the later ones, but the world is already established from the earlier ones.

The emo-ness doesn't quite start here, but it is a transitionary volume. In the previous book things seem like they might be looking up, but this is where things start taking a turn.

Loved! Hilarious! Can’t wait to read the others in the series!