Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 Volume 3: Wolves at the Gate

The culminating battle with Mecha-Dawn-Zilla makes this the best graphic novel EVER! I mean really, what more do you need to know. Mecha-Dawn-Zilla. :)

I feel like the start of this volume brings Buffy very out of character. She sleeps with a girl? Even though she continually states that she isn't a lesbian and is just lonely? I'm not sure I really buy it though. But then again, her type is vampire if we are looking at her past, so really this is a big step up from sleeping with the living-dead. At least she still has her soul, right? note: I just don't think it fits her character. I wouldn't be able to care less if she was gay. I just don't think that puzzle fits exactly. Don't get your panties in a bunch. BUT GUYS. GUYS. DRACULA IS IN THIS ONE. I SMILED AND GIGGLED SO HARD. OMGsh YES. these wolves, panthers and fog are like surround The Slayer Castle and they are actually vampires and they stole that Slayer Scythe from Buffy and the only other vampire who can do that is *ding ding ding* Dracula! AND AND AND Dracula and Xander are like... FRIENDS! I couldn't have loved that more. But bad news: These poser vamps actually took the scythe so they could reverse Buffy's *all girls who would be slayers are slayers* gig and make them all normal and kill them... obviously that doesn't fly with our trio and they start to get down to business. Xander and Renee's relationship blossoms a lot in this volume, which I absolutely loved. She fits so well with my little cyclops. She keeps him grounded. Willow and Buffy still have some awkwardness, but they know when to put their problems aside and deal with the big problem at hand. This volume was sad when it comes to Buffy. She feels left out because all the slayers bonded and she doesn't bond with them because she's the boss lady. She feels lonely in basically every aspect of her life which, as I said, leads her to act in very out of character ways (IN MY OPINION). The art is okay... I don't think they drew Buffy and Willow very well. They don't really look like themselves. In the Classic Buffy the Vampire Slayer Comic Series, they do a phenomenal job though. So maybe I am just a little spoiled. But, as all Joss Whedon stories end, your heart melts and burns up in a pit of fire because he ruins everything after making you love everything. Why do I keep reading this.