
Built A Saints of Denver Novel

Jay Crownover2016
Sometimes a real hero lets you save yourself . . . Sayer Cole and Zeb Fuller couldn’t be more different. She’s country club and fine-dining, he’s cell-block and sawdust. Sayer spends her days in litigation while Zeb spends his working with his hands. But none of that has stopped Zeb from wanting the stunning blonde since the moment he laid eyes on her—even if the reserved lawyer seems determinedly oblivious to his interest. Sayer is certain the rough, hard, hot-as-hell Zeb could never want someone as closed off and restrained as she is, which is a shame because something tells her he might be the guy to finally melt her icy exterior. When he shows up at Sayer’s door needing her professional help, she’s both disappointed and relieved that she won’t get the chance to find out just how good he could be. But as they team up to right a wrong and save a family, the steam created when fire and ice collide cannot be ignored. “Crownover weaves a tale that touches every emotion and keeps the pages turning.” —Liliana Hart, New York Times bestselling author
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Photo of Trish
2 stars
Jan 4, 2023

tbh the little kid, hyde, saved this book. he was so cute. i have such a weakness for big, tough, tattooed dads. otherwise, meh nothing too special. (2016)

Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
4 stars
Jan 1, 2023

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance Built is a fantastic book that I was quickly caught up in. Every time I pick this author up I end up very impressed and Built was no different for me. I really enjoyed the unique set up we have between our rough and rugged hero and the prim and proper lawyer. These two couldn't be any more different and boy did I have fun with the contrast and dynamics that build in their relationship. Sayer, our heroine, is used to keeping people at a distance. But Zeb is the first man that makes her want more than the contented life she is living. But Sayer will need to face her past and inner fears and unresolved issues. Zeb, is not ashamed of who he is, and puts his heart on the sleeve for Sayer despite the distance she continually puts between them. Then we have a little twist with Zeb learning that he is a father, to a five year old little boy that is going to be put in the system unless Zeb can prove that he can be the best father this boy can have. Zeb, is a hero that really impressed me in this book, and I felt like he was the center of the story. You see how much he is willing to fight for his son, to prove to him that he is loved and deserves to be happy. Seeing father and son come together in this book was heart felt and intense and gave me happy vibes through the whole book. One thing was clear: getting my son in my life on a permanent basis wasn’t the only thing that was going to take a hell of a lot of work on my end. If I wanted the girl, whatever version of her I could get my hands on, then I was going to have to fight for her as well. Even though I felt like the romance took a back seat to the story at times, I honestly didn't mind. I was captivated by this father and son relationship. I had such a fun time seeing all the characters come together in this book, and the way that Zeb and Sayer find common ground with each other and end up balancing each other out in all the right ways. Sayer was a heroine that despite the way she views relationships and intimacy at times, what I admired about her is the way she accepted Zeb as he is. She admired him for who he was and didn't desire to change him...gotta love a woman who accepts her man from the beginning like that. This story won my heart in many unique ways and this author is making me fall more in love with her writing than ever with BUILT. Overall this is a romance that is sexy, endearing and poignant. Click To Buy On Amazon [foogallery id="40114"]

Photo of Bethany Lacey
Bethany Lacey@laceylovesliterature
5 stars
Feb 28, 2022

Link to Blog: http://laceysloveofliterature.blogspo... I absolutely loved this book. I was so stoked to find out Jay Crownover was writing a spin-off to her Marked Men Series and this first instalment did not disappoint. For most of the book I had a hard time connecting with Sayer the heroine of the story - yes, she was closed off and emotionally unavailable. I just didn't really know how to connect to somebody who is completely different to me in personalities. I didn't want to give up though as I absolutely loved Zeb, and I'm glad I didn't. I held on, and I know why. Although Sayer is cold like ice, inside she's boiling with heat, colours, passion. Just over half-way through the book I started to connect with Sayer. She is incredibly brave and admirable. I loved her in the end. Zeb. I love this guy whole-heartedly. I think he steals my top-spot from Rome now. He was just such a good guy. I couldn't not fall for him - with the way he protects and cares for everybody that he loves and cares about. The determination to rectify and fix his past mistakes was so incredibly swoon-worthy. I just loved this guy. I'm not going to say much about Hyde as I don't want to spoil it, but this guy stole my heart too. I loved him immediately and cannot wait to see if he gets his own book sometime in the future. I loved seeing the whole old-gang, but I loved Poppy the most. How vulnerable and brave she was at the same time. I admire Poppy and everything she's been through. I adore this broken little dove. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for Poppy - I hope she finds her own happily ever after with a great guy.

Photo of ashley hopkins
ashley hopkins@bookaholicsanonymous
4 stars
Dec 5, 2021

Hyde was adorable and I cried at his parts.

Photo of Kim
5 stars
Oct 6, 2021

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads . It's no secret that I love Jay Crownover's books. (And the awesome lady herself.) I was heartbroken when the Marked Men series ended – as amazing of an ending as it was – because it meant I had to say goodbye to characters I had loved for years. But, at the same time, I knew it wouldn't be long before she released her Saints of Denver and I couldn't wait to fall in love with a whole new cast of characters who had been lurking in the background for awhile now. I loved the prequel novella, Leveled , and Built was just flat out amazing. Jay writes amazing female characters and Sayer was no exception. Sure, she was closed off. (With good reason.) She was guarding her heart closely and I can't blame her for that. Not every woman can jump into a relationship with both feet. Sayer was so real to me because she didn't. I don't want to get too spoilery, but one of my favorite things about her is that she was willing to put herself first, no matter the consequence. (Which I realize makes her sound pretty selfish, but it's not that at all. I just don't want to get into details because it will spoil the book for you. You'll know what I mean once you read it.) I suspected I would love Zeb and I was 1000% correct. I love a "man's man" and he was all that and more. I mean, it's fun to look at guys in suits, but give me a man who works with his hands ANY day of the week. Zeb wasn't afraid to get dirty – in and out of the bedroom. *eyebrow waggle* His life was turned upside down in the beginning of this book, but it was in a really good way. (Again, being vague because of spoilers.) Everything that followed after gave me ALL THE FEELS, a lot of smiles and even a few tears. (Naturally.) I loved Sayer and Zeb. I appreciate flawed characters and both of them definitely fit the bill. One of my favorite parts about reading is seeing characters let go of the pain from their past to find a better future. That's exactly what Sayer and Zeb did in Built. While the put together, polished attorney and the bearded, manly blue collar construction worker might seem like an odd pairing, it worked. It actually MORE THAN worked, it was amazing. I can't even begin to imagine them with someone else. They were that right together. Not only was the sexual chemistry between them absolutely blistering, but the feelings were real and their connection was fantastic. There was something special about these two. If Built is any indication, I'm going to love the Saints of Denver just as much as the Marked Men. I'm already anticipating the release of Charged and it won't be here until May. *weeps* The good news is that gives me more time to reread Sayer and Zeb before it's released, because I already want to. Loved this book. Loved them. So freaking good. I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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