By a Thread

By a Thread

Lucy Score — 2020
Dominic was staring at me like he couldn't decide whether to chop me into pieces or pull my hair and French kiss me. Dominic I got her fired. Okay, so I'd had a bad day and took it out on a bystander in a pizza shop. But there's nothing innocent about Ally Morales. She proves that the first day at her new job... in my office... after being hired by my mother. So maybe her colorful, annoying, inexplicably alluring personality brightens up the magazine's offices that have felt like a prison for the past year. Maybe I like that she argues with me in front of the editorial staff. And maybe my after-hours fantasies are haunted by those brown eyes and that sharp tongue. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to be the next Russo man to take advantage of his position. I might be a second-generation son of a... fill in the blank, but I am not my father. She's working herself to death at half a dozen dead-end jobs for some secret reason she doesn't feel like sharing with me. And I'm going to fix it all. Don't accuse me of caring. She's nothing more than a puzzle to be solved. If I can get her to quit, I can finally peel back all those layers. Then I can go back to salvaging the family name and forget all about the dancing, beer-slinging brunette. Ally Ha. Hold my beer, Grumpy Grump Face. Author's Note: A steamy, swoony workplace romantic comedy with a grumpy boss hero determined to save the day and a plucky heroine who is starting to wonder if there might actually be a beating heart beneath her boss's sexy vests.
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Photo of Lauren R
Lauren R@lauren24
3 stars
May 15, 2024

there were a few too many unnecessary scenes. I liked the fmc but the mmc was something else at times. would recommend if u just want a spicy cute lil romance. heavy on the spice.

Photo of Shelby Wheeler
Shelby Wheeler@shelbywheeler
2.5 stars
Apr 9, 2024

A fine, 50 Shades-esque story; however, is 550 pages for a rushed plot.

Photo of Maddie Adkins
Maddie Adkins@maddie_101
5 stars
Jan 18, 2024

I FINISHED IT!!!!!! Well... Almost, I haven't read the epilogues yet because I was trying to get this finished B4 9 but I can confidently say this is the BEST book I read in 2023 I couldn't put it down. I screamed, cried, laughed, and I may have or may have not thrown the book down a few times. The chemistry in this book was great 👍. The one and ONLY flaw with this book is that the ending seems a little rushed đŸ€.

Photo of loren
2 stars
Jan 13, 2024

2.5/5 ⭐

Photo of lexie
5 stars
Jan 7, 2024

i liked this more than the other one

Photo of mar
4 stars
Jan 7, 2024


Photo of Brittany McGougan
Brittany McGougan@belainemc
5 stars
Nov 12, 2023

This was so good!!!! The development in Dominic’s character was great! A great mix of plot and spice!

Photo of Kristen Claiborn
Kristen Claiborn@kristenc
4 stars
Oct 19, 2023

         This one is going to be short and sweet, much like this book. 

            There are few things I enjoy more than getting cozy with a good romance.  I read books from every genre and for the most part, I enjoy books from every genre.  I fell in love with horror early because of Stephen King and Lois Duncan.  I was forced to read contemporary literary fiction in school and over time developed a deep respect for “the great novel;” I’m not a big fan of fantasy, but every now and then one squeaks in and surprises me.  When I really want to settle in and devour a book, however, it’s always a romance.  I can’t even pinpoint when that love started, or who started it, nor do I have a favorite romance author because they are far too many, but romance is decidedly my favorite genre.

            I recently joined a few new online book clubs (because the one I had been with since day one and absolutely loved has folded, my heart broke), and one of them is exclusively a romance book club. This book was the selection for September 2023, otherwise I might have never read this gem.  Every element a good romance requires is found in this story, and I loved every page.  There’s the volatile meet-cute, he parental intervention, a small Cinderella-story, and eventually the two mains fall in love.  This is literally (did you see what I did there) everything you could want from a good, cheesy romance. 

            Also, thank you to the Indiana Romance Book Club for introducing me to Lucy Score. 

Photo of Alexis Donahue
Alexis Donahue@donahuealexis
5 stars
Jul 20, 2023

All of these characters are well fleshed out, Dominic and Ally’s witty banter made me literally LOL many times. While the book was 500+ pages long, I left at the end feeling satisfied in their love story
 especially seeing their life 10 years later in the extended epilogue. OH AND THE đŸŒ¶ïžđŸŒ¶ïžđŸ„”â€Š this book had off the charts tension, buildup and climax! Definitely one of my favorite reads
 and now it is time for me to binge all of Lucy Score’s backlist!

Photo of maddie harris
maddie harris@readingiris
4 stars
May 14, 2023

4.5 ⭐. easy to read and dominic >>>

Photo of lucy lou
lucy lou@louhardy
2 stars
May 6, 2023

I liked this book for the most part! It just felt very unrealistic at times

Photo of drea <3
drea <3@gugglielmelli
5 stars
Apr 30, 2023

In love with this book

Photo of novaleigh
5 stars
Apr 26, 2023

god, i couldn’t put it down. this book absolutely broke my heart, mended if and made my hopeless romantic side become even bigger. i just wish i got to see more of the couple after the last few chapters, but i always do with books. no complaints from me 

Photo of Taylor Arevalo
Taylor Arevalo@tails
4 stars
Apr 24, 2023

Dominic has the combined toxicity of Carrie and Mr. Big.

Photo of Cameryn Wright
Cameryn Wright@cambam
5 stars
Mar 28, 2023

So good!!!

Photo of Faith Kitowski
Faith Kitowski@faithkitowski
5 stars
Mar 20, 2023

i’m so in love with dom it’s crazy. also, what in the world does lucy score put in her book to make me feel so happy but so so alone

Photo of Lynn Braden
Lynn Braden@ftbooklover
4.5 stars
Mar 12, 2023

When creative director for Label Fashion Magazine, Dominic Russo is summoned to meet his mother at a pizza parlor, he never expects to begin an adversarial relationship with waitress, Ally Morales. Insults and name calling lead to Ally being fired, but Dominic's mother, Dalessandra, hires Ally to work at Label, much to his chagrin. From then on sparks fly as Dominic and Ally can't seem to get along and yet are wildly attracted to each other. As they begin to find common ground, past baggage related to their parents brings emotions to the surface that neither of them are equipped to handle.

By a Thread is a ridiculously fun romance that also includes deep emotional scars, making it a very layered story. The characters and plot are well developed, and while the third act conflict is over played, the conclusion comes full circle for a very satisfying ending. There are clear references to The Devil Wears Prada and Pride and Prejudice expertly woven throughout the story, but it still maintains its own identity. Also, topical issues involving harassment, poverty, and Alzheimer's disease are all addressed as part of the plot. Overall, By a Thread is a very good romance filled with humor and emotion.

Photo of Audrey Jessie
Audrey Jessie @audreyreadsss
4 stars
Feb 13, 2023

Drunk Dom>>>

Photo of Dre T
Dre T@cocibear
4 stars
Feb 6, 2023

Another adorable book by Lucy Score. Hilarious banter, witty comedy, slow romance, spice, and the emotional ending, it’s so stinking cute!

Photo of Emma Needham-Machmer
Emma Needham-Machmer @betweenthecoversbookishclub
3 stars
Feb 6, 2023

** spoiler alert ** Enjoyed this book, it picked up in the middle and I liked the epilogue. But some things were cringy and I didn’t like the description of the female main character. I feel like they didn’t do her justice. I liked having older main characters!

Photo of j ♡
j ♡@bookwormj
3.5 stars
Feb 2, 2023

I almost DNFed, but I stuck it out and the ending was predictable, but the storyline was solid and some of the banter was actually funny, which is why it's a 3.5. I was weirded out that the characters were 40/45... that is literally my parent's age, so I kept thinking to myself it was more of a 25/30ish relationship, which was better. I did feel sorry for the FMC because she was described as sooo poor and she continuously refused any kind of help from literally anyone even her bestie, which was kind of annoying??? Miss girl bffr. I did like the MMC, until his mom pointed out that he was literally 45 with daddy issues đŸ« 

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of dija
1 star
Jan 23, 2023

"His mammoth penis definitely had a case of amnesia because he was stone hard." ..... Mammoths didn't die for this. 500 pages of the dumbest shit you could ever possibly read in your lifetime, i need to know why romance authors hate women so much they write stories like.....this. The book follows: Ally, the main character, who is broke poor gorgeous but doesn't know it beautiful even though she has no money to put effort into her looks live in a house with a broken ceiling has a father in a nursing home whom she pays all the bills for and also never forget that she is a feisty woman pushing forty with a heart of gold. Dominic filthy rich with daddy issues who only dates 20 something women at the big age of forty five. Now you might think that this is a story about two grown adults who know what they know in life and are not hormone driven teenagers but no it isn't. If it wasnt mentioned that they were middle age i would have thought that they were in early twenties tops because they are fucking stupid and if i behave the way Ally did at forty i hope someone takes me out (a hitman)

Photo of Jennifer mitchell
Jennifer mitchell@jennmitchell16
5 stars
Jan 20, 2023


Photo of Devansh Patil
Devansh Patil@devansh
3.5 stars
Jan 17, 2023

It's a H U G E slog. And I mean huge. I don't mind a long book as long as the plot's halfway decent but in this case nothing actually unique/interesting actually happens.


Photo of Anita

"This isn't for just one night, Ally. So get used to it. Once I'm inside you, there's no going back." Ever.

Page 361

This man is all or nothing.

Photo of Anita

"I wasn't looking for you. But I still found you."

"What are you saying?" I squeaked.

"I'm saying I found you. And I'm not fighting it anymore. You're mine."

Page 356
Photo of Anita

"Completely inappropriate question," I said. "If you were going to touch me right now, where would you start?"

His exhale was a growl. "Your hair."

I blinked. "My hair?"

"I'd fist my fingers in it and pull so I could taste your mouth and then work my way down your throat."

Page 170
Photo of Anita

"This is the problem," he insisted, his voice a rasp.

"That's a huge problem," I agreed, still looking at his erection. "It looks painful."

"That's not what I meant" he growled. "This is what happens when we're too close."

Page 169
Photo of Lucy

“I went everyday and asked him until it was a good day,”.

Dom admitting he visited Ally’s father with dementia everyday until he was having a good day and could remember Ally and give him his blessing to marry his daughter.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Lucy

“Actually, the email said fell in love in the house, but that was a typo.”

It wasn’t a typo. It was Dom using the trust fund to admit to Ally he had fallen in love with her in her old house.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Lucy

Sometimes I feel like I’m holding my breath all day just waiting for someone to say your name around me. I don’t ever want a life without your name in it.

Dom in another grovel email to Ally

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Lucy

I can’t breathe without you.

Dominic to Ally in his grovel emails.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Lucy

“Just want to hold you for a minute.”

Dom to Ally.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Lucy

“I missed you this week,” he whispered.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Lucy

“I want this to be worth it to you”

Dom to Ally

Photo of Lucy

“I don’t know if I can walk away when I need to,” “We’re past walking away, Ally.” “I’m not looking for anything.” “I wasn’t looking for you. But I still found you.” “What are you saying?” “I’m saying I found you. And I’m not fighting it anymore. You’re mine.” “I don’t want anything serious.” “Oh sweetheart, you no longer have a choice.”

Dom finally being honest.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Lucy

“Kiss me, Ally. Let me make you feel better.”

Photo of Lucy

“Baby,” he whispered against the top of my head. “Talk to me. Please.”

Dom trying to console Ally.

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Photo of Lucy

“I can’t take this anymore, Ally. I can’t just watch from the sidelines and pretend it doesn’t fucking kill me that I can’t touch you.”

Dom admitting his feelings

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Photo of Lucy

“Who the fuck hit you, Ally?” “No one,” “That’s a fucking hand mark on your face, Ally. Don’t lie to me.” “Dom, it’s none of your business.” “Don’t pull that shit with me, Ally.” “He-“ “He.” His voice simmered with rage on the pronoun. “Dominic, stop. It’s nothing to worry about. It’s my responsibility.” “Ally.” He whispered my name. It was like a caress.

Dom being protective of Ally.

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Photo of Lucy

“You know, babe. Sometimes it’s up to us to tell the universe what we want. Not the other way around.”

Photo of Lucy

“You’re so beautiful. Not just because you’re in that dumb guy’s dress. But like all the time. You just light up every room you walk into. It’s like the sun coming up. Every time I see you, I feel better. I love it when you walk into a room.”

Dom’s drunk confession.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Lucy

“What are you doing?” “Hugging you” “I can see that. Why?” “I’ve always wanted to.”

Dom admitting he’d always wanted to hug her.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Lucy

I lived in a world where everyone should know her.

Dominic when his assistant didn’t know who Ally was.

Photo of Lucy

I was drawn to her. Inexplicably. Unfairly. Stupidly.

Dominic about Ally.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Lucy

On Valentine’s Day, I got every assistant on the floor a flower arrangement just so I could give her something.

Dominic when Ally isn’t speaking to him.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Lucy

“The truth? Fine. I’ve never not wanted you. I only want you.”

Dominic to Ally.

This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Lucy

She held up the copy of Pride and Prejudice accusingly.

Ally caught Dominic keeping a copy of Pride and Prejudice after she compared him to Mr Darcy and he had never read it.