King of sword and sky

King of sword and sky

C. L. Wilson2008

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Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
5 stars
Jan 1, 2023

"Ve sha kem'tani. Kem'san. Kem'reisa" You are my mate. My Heart. My soul. With hands and words and lips and teeth, he claimed her, declaring possession, marking her with his touch, his kiss, his breath, the scent of his skin rubbing her with hot friction, singing to her soul. Rain and Ellysetta have left Celieria, knowing that their enemy is going to attack soon. Ellie is sad to be leaving her family and the only life she has ever known. Ellie knows her destiny is to save the Fey, even though she has no idea how she will be able to do it. Rain, as the Fey King, knows that he must do everything to save his people. When they arrive to the Fading Lands, Rain is determined to show Ellie how to access her magic. Rain begins to show Ellysetta the Fading Lands, the Tairen who accept her, in more ways than they ever excepted his first wife. At first the trust between the Fey and Ellie are shady at best, they don't know what to make of her. They respect her because of her bond to Rain, but they don't trust the dark magic that is stamped on Ellyetta, though she is innocent. When it becomes clear that the kits of the Tairen are dying, Ellie and Rain start working on discovering the reason why. Ellysetta's power starts to become even more pronounced before, and Ellie starts to discover more about herself and her abilities. She desires to refine them, so she will be able to help the Tairen and the Fey. To prove that she only wants to save them from the dark magic that threatens everything they hold dear. King of Sword and Sky is the third installment in the Tairen Soul series. I have heard of this author for years, but not until recently did I decide to try it out. The first two books I just fell in love with instantly. King of Sword and Sky goes alot more into depth, and there is quite a bit that happens in the story. As it begins you see how the difficulty that Ellie has even from first entering the Fading Lands. Even though she has a Dark Mage marker stamped on her, Ellie has more power than anyone knows. With the protection of the Fading Lands, Ellie and Rain start to train and search for a way to save both the Tairen and the Fey. The story is pretty complex in this one, and I don't want to reveal too much for those that haven't had a chance to read this one yet. The plot has many twists and turns that only hold the reader enthralled through the whole story. As you go through the story, you see that the focus is on Ellie, and how she works on refining her abilities so she can save the Kitlings of the Tairen who keep dying. The relationship between Rain and Ellie becomes ever more stronger than ever before. The faith that Rain has in Ellie is precious, and how protective he is of her, despite how his people distrust her. Certain truths are revealed from the eye of Truth, that makes the relationship between Rain and his people even less trustworthy than before. But with a battle up ahead soon, Rain and his people will need to work together to defeat a enemy that only desires to destroy everything. Rain and Ellysetta are charming characters, and I couldn't help but love them even more. The bond they have is strengthened even more in this story than the first two books. There is quite a bit that goes on, that the challenges and the multiple conflicts that Rain and Ellie are faced with only bring them even closer. Rain becomes more Alpha Male pronounced in this book. Way more protective and possessive than you see in previous books. I enjoyed how he handles the situations they are put in. There is quite a bit of intensity at times, and Ellie for the most part, just accepts it. Ellysetta, I enjoyed seeing this heroine face the conflict even more than Rain. She has much more against her at times, and she has this inner strength that I admired from the beginning. She tends to handle everything with grace and patience. Overall I really enjoyed how well everything is put together, and the way the plot proceeds. A exciting and enticing story of a world where good and evil battle. A dazzling and emotionally woven tale of love, destiny, and passion. POWERFUL!!!

Photo of JoLee
5 stars
Jun 26, 2022

Rating: 5 Stars - Amazing Lord of the Fading Lands (Tairen Soul #1) by C.L. Wilson was my first read in a new to me genre, fantasy romance. All the characters and this whole series is one of my favorite and most memorable.

Photo of Alejandra Bran
Alejandra Bran@bluereader
3 stars
Oct 20, 2021

I almost DNF this book. I was more than half way through it, and still I couldn’t get into it. I don’t think smut is for me... I mean some is fine, but by the 3rd time I was like “I know how you guys have sex, keep the story moving” I think I’m more plot than romance driven. Thank the heavens the story picked up. Also in my case my biggest issue was knowing already some things like what was killing the kidlings, or what is behind Elysetta’s convulsions and so many others. And it was driving me nuts, how long was taking her to find out all of that. Sometimes knowing less is better, Wilson is giving to much information. I do though want to make a prediction and if I’m honest one of the main reason I was to finish the series. I’ve a feeling that Elysetta’s twin sisters Lillis and Lorelle are going to be Shei'tanitsa to Kieran and Keil. I really hope so, because I Kieran is my fav! I want to start the 4th one now while the story is fresh, but I might just wait till next week I need I rest from all of the love making on this book.

Photo of Manda
5 stars
Sep 30, 2021

**Warning: this text may contain spoilers** Heading for war is not how to win a true mate but one that must be done before the Eld try to destroy them all but with Elly struggling to master her magic everything is against them. Another griping installment of the series a must read for all

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