

This book evaluates the risks to human health and the environment posed by boron, a naturally occurring element widely distributed in the form of various inorganic borates in the oceans, sedimentary, rocks, coal, shale and some soils. Boron is also used in laundry bleach and in the manufacture of glass, glass products, fertilizers and herbicides, antiseptics, and pharmaceuticals. Since boron is widely detected in drinking-water and occurs naturally in fruits, nuts, and vegetables, the report gives particular attention to health risks associated with exposure of the general population through diet and drinking-water. A section on sources of human and environmental exposure cites evidence that boron enters the environment mainly through volatilization from seawater, volcanoes, geothermal steam, and natural weathering of clay-rich sedimentary rock. Although industrial uses account for much smaller releases, the report notes that all of the boron from the sodium perborate contained in detergents ultimately enters the wastewater system, and is not removed by standard water treatment procedures.
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