Black Helicopters

I barely followed this, though I have to say it had some interesting ideas. Just wish I knew what the hell was going on. I'd have given this 2 stars but I know I'm dumb, and that's not the books fault!

I wanted to love Black Helicopters a lot more than I did. I thought it would be much more connected to Agents of Dreamland, but the relation is much less robust than I imagined. Beware being disappointed if you are looking for a sequel. Black Helicopters exists in the same universe, but it deals with its own set of characters and weird magical/paranormal happenings. The tale is told in a non-linear manner, so at times it is hard to parce what is going on. By the end, I get what Kiernan was trying to do, I just don't think the book really worked. Some chapters felt superfluous, while others felt like they needed much more content. There is a core of a really neat idea, but I was not wowed in how it was presented or resolved.

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