

David and the Reckoners must face the most powerful High Epic of all to find redemption for his closest friend, Prof.
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Photo of Noah Cross
Noah Cross@noahwcross
4 stars
Apr 2, 2024

This book is so good. Sanderson dropped another banger. But the ending just didn’t leave me completely satisfied. Everything is amazing, just something about the way it ends. I think everyone getting powers is a good idea but I’m not sure I’m a huge fan of it. Also, how did Regalia get in touch with Calamity? Moreover, where did Calamity come from? Multi dimensional beings yeah, but nothing else. I don’t know. Maybe it’s silly. And obliteration is still just kicking around waiting to blow up Toronto. It’s simply disappointing that we will likely never get the answers. But who knows, maybe I’m just a silly goose and I’m the only one who thinks like this.

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
3 stars
Mar 25, 2024

Really fun ending to the story even though it did felt a bit rushed.

Photo of Jamieson
4 stars
Jan 23, 2023

“You want to fight a god? You'd better have one on your side too.” The Reckoner's trilogy was one I started this year. I really liked the first book, and then was a little disappointed by the second. I'm really glad that the third and final book picked back up - I was actually really satisfied by the ending of this ! Reckoners Trilogy is one which I thought had an awesome premise. It's about a future world where people have been gifted extraordinary abilities - but instead of these superpowers creating superheroes, they created supervillians. The Reckoners, a shadowy group or "normals" have vowed to kill the "Epics" and save the world from their villainy. The Reckoners trilogy is the first book by Brandon Sanderson I read, and I think the plot is incredible. It's well executed, detailed and thought out. Calamity was much more thought out then Firefight -- but I thought for the first time ever the pacing was off. Too much happened at the end of this book, and it just felt rushed and wrong. I'm so used to Sanderson's perfect pacing it was a little shocking. Despite that, the plots within the middle of the book were well paced and SO MUCH happened in this book without it feeling rushed. It was only the last 50 pages or so I felt things got too much, like another 100 pages would have kind of spread it out more nicely? Beside that, however, I thought the plot was good. The revelations and what happened at the end made sense. I will say, however, I thought things happened a little too easy and I'm not entirely satisfied with the end (though I'm not sure why?) One thing that did annoy me is that the overarching themes/ideas of the humanity of people, the goodness of humanity ect was left too late to be explored. It felt like it was thrown in at the end, and so it felt cheap and underdeveloped and it just didn't work. “People are people. Whatever happens, they make communities, struggle for normalcy. Even” Character wise, it was okay. There was character growth across the three books, but not alot. I found the main character, David, honestly just really fucking annoying and not funny at all. His narration was just kind of absurd. However, I really liked the side characters, especially Cody, Megan and Abraham. I thought that they were well written and while. again, there was not much development or depth, there was enough they were not boring cookie cutter characters. I was really glad the characters from Steelheart reappeared in Calamity. One reason I hated Firefight is that the characters I grew attached to in the first book were missing - the reappearance of Cody, Abraham and others made this instantly more enjoyable for me. It's a HARD LIFE when your faves are the side characters, so having them back made this so much better Overrall, I'm quite satisfied with this series and it's ending. I don't think it's one of the best I've ever read, but at the same time it was good, and I'm glad I've read it. I rate the series a 3.5 overall.

Photo of Rachel Kanyid
Rachel Kanyid@mccallmekanyid
5 stars
Jan 15, 2023

Ah! Sanderson has done it again!!!!! I thought I had the whole end figured out to this series... I thought I knew what the end plot twist was going to be and then I WAS WRONG... sigh. Brandon you've out done yourself again! this book was fabulous!!! I wish there would be more to this series! I'm sad that this was the end!

Photo of tina
4 stars
Dec 19, 2022

** spoiler alert ** WARNING: VERY DISORGANIZED REVIEW IM SORRY Some people who read Brandon Sanderson's other series felt like he held back in this book. They were expecting something more complex and I can't even. This is the very first Brandon Sanderson series I've ever read. The very first. So I had no idea what to expect. All I know is that I'm very very VERY impressed with his imaginative world-building and that I was left astonished by this series it makes me want to read more of his books. MORE!!!! Okaaay so let's discuss about this book. • World-building was terrific as usual!! I thought Newcago was cool but I was definitely more amazed with Babilar. Then Ildithia came and it definitely did not disappoint. Sanderson's settings are so cool, so unique, so out of this world, and so epic. (wink, wink) • David is so adorable but at the same time he's determined and I love that about him. And we actually got one metaphor from him that made sense and wasn't hilariously painful to hear (or read). • David+Megan- this couple is so cute i love them so much!! They aren't the cliche mushy mushy kind of couple. They're funny and sweet and ahdkkdlsn!!! • Other characters (aka Mizzy, Cody, and Abraham)- I never hated any of the other characters. I loved them all and would never want any harm come to them because they're precious. I'm really happy we got to see Cody and Abraham more again. Really missed them in Firefight. • The plot was great! I read this in one day which was totally unexpected (because of school). I hate it when I obliviously fast read books that are so exciting and so good. This book is action-packed, thrilling, mysterious, and at the same time hilarious. • The ending got me asking more questions but I didn't think it was unsatisfactory. In fact, I thought the ending was heartwarming and just builds up a lot for another potential series. So in conclusion, I will certainly read more Brandon Sanderson books because man, HE IS GOOOOOOD. And (according to those who read his other series') this isn't even his best. The Reckoners series is epic (wink, wink) and I definitely recommend it. What a great read!

Photo of Julia Lotz
Julia Lotz@missfoxyreads
5 stars
Oct 20, 2022

WARUM WOLLTE ICH ES LESEN? Die Rächer-Reihe von Brandon Sanderson begleitet mich schon sehr lange und durch sie bin ich Fan des Autors geworden. Mit Calamity bringt sie diese jetzt nach langer Wartezeit zum Abschluss. HAT ES MEINE ERWARTUNGEN ERFÜLLT? Auf jeden Fall. Besonders mit diesem Buch hat Brandon Sanderson noch einmal gezeigt, was ich an dieser Reihe so liebe und mich Seite um Seite überrascht. WAS HAT MIR GUT GEFALLEN? Ich habe ewig auf diesen dritten Teil gewartet und besonders nachdem sich die Ereignisse zum ende des zweiten Bandes so überschlagen haben, musste ich unbedingt wissen, wie es mit David und den Rächern nun ausgeht. Was mich erwartete war ein weiteres großes Abenteuer. Anders als alles zuvor und durchweg episch. Brandon Sanderson schaffte es auch nach drei Büchern immer noch, mich mit neuen Details zu verblüffen und zu beeindrucken und auch die Charaktere legen noch einmal einen langen Weg zurück, was ihre Entwicklung betrifft. Ich kann das Buch so sehr in den Himmel loben, wie ich will: Wenn es zu einer Sache kommt, dann wirkt alles andere blass – das Ende. Auch wenn es nicht wirklich emotional war, standen mir die Tränen in den Augen. Es war wundervoll, perfekt und schloss die gesamte Reihe so rund ab. Das mag jetzt übertreiben klingen, ist es aber nicht. WAS HAT MICH GESTÖRT? Mir fällt ehrlich gesagt kein Störfaktor ein. Bis auf: Ich bin unheimlich traurig, dass es vorbei ist. Aber zum Glück warten noch viele weitere Bücher des Autors auf mich. FAZIT. Calamity ist ein würdiger Abschluss der Rächer-Reihe von Brandon Sanderson, der mich durch und durch begeistert hat und mich zum Ende sogar hat sprachlos werden lassen. Brandon Sanderson ist mit jedem Buch dieser Reihe über sich hinaus gewachsen und ich möchte jedem diese Bücher ans Herz legen. | ★★★★★

Photo of Todd Luallen
Todd Luallen@tluallen
5 stars
Aug 29, 2022

Such a great series, and the conclusion was really well done! Thank you Brandon Sanderson and keep up the good work. The Reckoners series of books is a romp of superhero fun, with a fantastic sense of humor. For those that love comic books, you'll feel right at home here. In addition, I want to add that the series has some great dialogue, and very funny moments. I LOVED all the ridiculous metaphors in this series -- probably one of my favorite parts of the books actually. "You're like a potato in a mine field!" Hahaahaa. What a great moment. One final thing, for those that don't like all the foul language that seems to be a staple in popular books these days, you'll enjoy Sanderson and his Reckoners novels. This is a series that I will be recommending to all the kids in my daughter's High School group. Exceptional!

Photo of Julie Janis
Julie Janis@juliejanisbooks
4 stars
Aug 15, 2022

Wow! I enjoyed this book way more than the first two! (Not that the first two were bad at all). There just seemed to be so much more depth in this book, especially in the end when everything was tied together. I even started getting a little emotional in the end, which is rare for me. Also, David and Megan's love for each other is goals! I highly recommend this trilogy!

Photo of Julie D.
Julie D.@luxurists
4 stars
Mar 8, 2022

not sure how I feel about the ending. Way too many questions ;-;

Photo of Camila Eduarda Vilela Lobianco
Camila Eduarda Vilela Lobianco@camilalobianco
4 stars
Mar 3, 2022

This book was nice, really satisfactory ending to the trilogy. If it was any other writer, I'd maybe give this 5 stars, but I can't when Mistborn is so fresh in my memory. The knowledge that Brandon had to run to finish this completely influenced my reading, so is hard to analyse this book without any bias, because, well, he's my favorite writer. Well, the finished without plot holes, but with some space for another books, what is nice.

Photo of Kim Marie
Kim Marie@moonkallery
5 stars
Jan 13, 2022

So so good! First Si-Fi series I read from Sanderson, but definitely as good as his other fantasy series!!! Beautiful writing, unique story and his iconic plot-twist were awesome as always of course

Photo of laura
4 stars
Nov 20, 2021

This book was a really fun. Not my favorite of the series. I still love book two the most. I love all the unexpected twists and turns that sent this book to it ending. I do think the ending was a tad rushed but it was fun read. The world really was build so well and this book made it very complicated as well. I LOVE THE CHARACTER OF DAVID AS WELL!

Photo of Paige Green
Paige Green@popthebutterfly
5 stars
Nov 5, 2021

Rating: 5/5 Genre: YA Dystopian Recommended Age: 16+ (language, violence, gore, mature content) When Calamity lit up the sky, the Epics were born. David’s fate has been tied to their villainy ever since that historic night. Steelheart killed his father. Firefight stole his heart. And now Regalia has turned Prof, his closest ally, into a dangerous enemy. David knew Prof’s secret, and kept it even when Prof struggled to control the effects of his Epic powers. But facing Obliteration in Babilar was too much. Once the Reckoners’ leader, Prof has now embraced his Epic destiny. He’s disappeared into those murky shadows of menace Epics are infamous for the world over, and everyone knows there’s no turning back. . . . But everyone is wrong. Redemption is possible for Epics—Megan proved it. They’re not lost. Not completely. And David is just about crazy enough to face down the most powerful High Epic of all to get his friend back. Or die trying. – I finished another series! And I’ve figured out why I’m not a series finisher. I’m totally dead inside after reading this book and I have SO MANY QUESTIONS!!! Anyone else who has read this book can you help me in bombarding Brandon Sanderson with requests for a fourth Reckoners book? Pleaseeee? Anyways, on with the review! Okay so this is going to be a hard review to write without giving spoilers so it’ll probably be very short. I thought the character development really built on the previous books and the plot was very well developed as well. The pacing was also very well done. It never waned and the action was constant throughout the book. Sanderson’s writing is a very good example of how to build tension and action in a story without having moments where there is no action. He’s also a good example to use when one needs to know how to do transitional scenes. I also thought that the writing was phenomenal and the book is very true to how David (the main character) would narrate a story of his. Sanderson not only writes dialogue from his characters well but he writes in his characters voice well even when they’re not actively thinking or talking. While I loved the book overall I did feel like the book, for being a final book in the series, had a ton of plot holes that were not solved by the end of the book. I really feel that Sanderson left the books this way in order to build onto the universe if he so pleased and he is writing a book in which could be a companion triology to the Reckoners series, but there are a ton of questions I have left over from this book that I want answered. FOR THE LOVE OF CALAMITY CONTINUE THIS SERIES SANDERSON! I WILL GIVE YOU MY FIRST BORN CHILD FOR ANOTHER RECKONERS SERIES! I NEEEEEDDDDDDDD IT! Verdict: Overall I am in love and I feel like my love just walked out on me and left me hung to dry. In a way David would say it I feel like a taco that’s not been eaten by a starving linebacker. I really hope I’m back with another book from the Reckoners universe and I know there is a companion novel that I’ll be for sure reading and reviewing come Spring 2018…. But I want something from David. If anyone knows how to contact Brandon Sanderson please tell me so I can beg and grovel at his feet.

Photo of Hope Brockway
Hope Brockway@hopebrockway
5 stars
Oct 19, 2021

THAT BOOK. *shrieks and runs around room*

Photo of Shirley Krijnen
Shirley Krijnen@icecrystie
4 stars
Oct 11, 2021

This took me so long to finish, but I finally did it! The book was very interesting but it didn't hook me enough to keep on reading, thus the reason it took me so long to finish. The ending was so suprising and amazing. I didn't expect any of it. I love that brandon keeps you guessing throughout the series.

Photo of Manou
5 stars
Oct 11, 2021

I finally finished the series, and I must say this will be my new favorite series. I really liked the world building, the plots and the characters

Photo of Lynn Braden
Lynn Braden@ftbooklover
4 stars
Oct 8, 2021

Calamity is the final book in The Reckoners' series. David is determined to try and save Prof by making him face his deepest fears in order to keep the darkness at bay. Even though his plan has promise, he is starting to doubt himself as his nightmares begin to be more and more vivid and persistent. And what about Calamity; it is clear now that rather than a thing, Calamity is an Epic. Will turning Prof help them to defeat Calamity? David's saving grace is still Megan who has faced her fears and is solidly by his side along with Mizzy, Abraham, and Cody, the only remaining Reckoners. The action is exciting and the relationship between the characters is well developed in this book. As in the first two books in the series, Sanderson poses questions to his readers. In this book, he looks at not only fear, but the nature and beauty of humanity and how it may be the strongest force of all. An excellent end to the Reckoners's series.

Photo of Cecilia Giordano
Cecilia Giordano@ccgio0987
5 stars
Sep 24, 2021


Photo of Nada
Nada @nada
5 stars
Sep 11, 2021

I’m out of words, damn that ending though. I didn’t see that one coming....

Photo of  Bruna Acioly Leão
Bruna Acioly Leão@bruna
4 stars
Aug 29, 2021

Excellent audiobook like the rest of the series! I really enjoyed the way that everything was wrapped up in this finale. It is like the entire series came full circle and all the characters were developed and so was the plot line. The twists in the storyline and the explanations at the end were really cool.

Photo of Adam
4 stars
Aug 17, 2021

I was looking forward to this one for a long time. From the end of Firefight when more background on Calamity was revealed, I was aching to know more backstory. The evolution of the world, and the new salt city stood out. Even the new epics had time to shine in this relatively short book. To say much more is a spoiler, but if you've already read the first two, you'll probably enjoy the finale. Maybe not love and rave about it, but it's a worthy ending to a fun series.

Photo of Viet
Viet @viet
5 stars
Mar 30, 2024
Photo of Emma Daniels
Emma Daniels@pudgethefish
4.5 stars
Nov 21, 2023
Photo of C S
C S@cstephen
5 stars
May 29, 2024

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