
Issue #6 is my favorite. Definitely better as a whole than Volume 1.

3.5 stars | Caroline is a damn sociopath.

Maggie Gordon@maggieg
Snotgirl continues to be an excellent thriller that plays with your head. The twists and turns and strange mysteries that keep popping up really make me wonder where this is all heading. Or hell, how much of what we are seeing is reality. Plus the art continues to be great, as well as the commentary on social media. Definitely one of my favourite on-goings at the moment :)

4 stars. RTC!

Courtney ✿ @librarycutie@librarycutie
where’s the next volume, i neeeeed!!!!

Nat Welch@icco
This series is so strange, but I'm very curious to see where it will go.

Bruna Acioly Leão@bruna
I have no idea what is going on but I like it.

kayla @kayellng

farrah @farrah

Samantha Chavez @sam_denisse

shelby mosel@shelbymosel

Nessa Luna@octobertune

andi valdes@anderinavalerina

Kalie Bennett@kaliebennettt

Catherine Duplessis@catherineduplessis

viviana rios@viviluser

Tylar M@queenserenity

Ana Hein@anahein99

Magnus Dahl@gorillotaur

sophia n@nyx

Z Sullivan@monzstravaganza

Ingrid @nola


Anna Lagerqvist@svartlava