Baṣran Muʿtazilite Theology: Abū ʿAlī Muḥammad b. Khallād’s Kitāb al-uṣūl and its reception

Baṣran Muʿtazilite Theology: Abū ʿAlī Muḥammad b. Khallād’s Kitāb al-uṣūl and its reception A Critical Edition of the Ziyādāt Sharḥ al-uṣūl by the Zaydī Imām al-Nāṭiq bi-l-ḥaqq Abū Ṭālib Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn b. Hārūn al-Buṭḥānī

Ibn Khallād was a disciple of the famous Muʿtazilī theologian, Abū Hāshim al-Jubbāʾī (d. 933). His otherwise lost theological summa, K. al-Uṣūl, has reached us embedded in the Ziyādāt Sharḥ al-Uṣūl by the Zaydī Imām al-Nāṭiq bi-l-ḥaqq (d. 1033). This volume contains an editio princeps of this text.
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