Cinqui{225)eme Recensement Du Canada, 1911

Cinqui{225)eme Recensement Du Canada, 1911

Report of the Fifth Census of Canada. Volume 1 contains contains statistics of the population enumerated under date of the first day of June 1911, for provinces, territories, districts and subdistricts, together with comparative populations for the Fourth Census taken in 1901. Volume 2 deals with religions, origins, birthplace and citizenship, literacy and infirmities. Volume 3 is the Report on manufactures and the tables are given for all industrial establishments have five employees and over. Volume 4 deals with the statistics of the agricultural industries of the Dominion. These statistics relate to areas of farms, production of field crops, fruits, animals and animal products, labour and wages. Volume 5 deals with forest production on farms, fishery production, fur production and mineral production. Volume 6 reports ont he occupations of the people and presents statistics concerning persons gainfully employed according to nativity and age periods for Canada, the provinces and the twenty-six cities having a population of 15,00 or over.
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