
Ugh. my Queenie. so much conflicting emotions Pros: - easy to read (writing style wise) - challenged my own values and how I judged Queenie's actions. Trying to articulate my dislike for her was difficult because I wasn't sure if it was my Male bias affecting me. Cons - Queenie. Her motivations and the reasons behind some of her behaviour was poorly explained (my personal pet peeve was why was she so reluctant to do her job?) But more seriously 1. Her dating race "preference" 2. Her delusional behaviour 3. Her infatuation with Tweeded Glasses?????? 4. Her self-worth. My god I haven't read a book that had a protagonist with lower self-esteem - Cassandra. That was a whole mess -_- and i could go on

I wanted to love this book because it came highly recommended. It had a story line with great potential but it felt underdeveloped. The build up with the boyfriend ended up going nowhere, I was expecting an engrossing revelation but it feel flat. Not bad for a debut novel at 23, but her writing style needs some development.

Lee me lemme process cuz Queenie is ah whole lot!!! ------------------------------------------------------ CW: (view spoiler)[panic attacks, domestic abuse, child neglect, emotional abuse, miscarriage, racism, slut shaming (hide spoiler)] That was a rollercoaster. There are so many things that I want to say about this book and about Queenie's journey throughout this book. I can see why this book has been picked for so many book clubs as it opens up for so much conversation. But I'm really satisfied with the way it ended. Queenie goes through SO MUCH in these 330 pages it shouldn't be possible or enjoyable but it was. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a book that is fun to read, but the story is one that grips you at your core and you can't look away. Even as Queenie spirals out of control and you cringe right down to your toes you soak up every moment of it. This book demands attention and I for one insist that you give it.