Murder in the Marais
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Murder in the Marais

Cara Black1999

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Photo of Janice Hopper
Janice Hopper@archergal
2 stars
Nov 2, 2022

I think I figured out what this books was SUPPOSED to be at the end when (view spoiler)[the protagonist was saved from falling all the way through a broken glass rooftop by SOMEONE REACHING DOWN TO GRAB HER FROM A HELICOPTER which she apparently hadn't noticed. (hide spoiler)] I think it's supposed to be one of those crazy stories of a super-competent agent/investigator who can do all manner of wild and crazy things (e.g., run across rooftops in high heels, stop in the middle of a chase to GET HER HAIR DONE, etc). But it didn't work for me. It started off too serious to begin with. Plus there are Nazis, neo-Nazis and (view spoiler)[an 18 YEAR OLD SS OFFICER who seduces a 14 YEAR OLD JEWISH GIRL (hide spoiler)] and no, I'm not ok with any of that. Plus Aimée had no problem sleeping with a hot Neo-Nazi, because, well, hotness, I guess, and I am not ok with that either. Perhaps if I'd understood this insight about the book from the beginning, I'd have liked it a little better. But as it is, TO ME it was a huge mess. Also, her depiction of computer use in 1993? Doesn't exactly jibe with my memory of the capabilities of systems back then. Also, Aimée has a dog named Miles Davis. What kind of dog? WHO KNOWS???? SHE DIDN'T SAY??? Who TF puts a dog in a book without saying something about the dog, besides what he eats and who he stays with when his owner is gallivanting around Paris doing stupid things that make no sense? /doglovergripe I didn't enjoy it at all, and wish I'd just been able to get it from the library, or some other way where I didn't have to pay money for this. Sorry, Cara Black and fans, this is not for me.

Photo of Niki Whittaker
Niki Whittaker @m1zhyd3
4 stars
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Photo of Francine Corry
Francine Corry@booknblues
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Aubrey Hicks@aubreyhi
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Photo of Kristina Sanders
Kristina Sanders@ksanders013
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Photo of Kristina Sanders
Kristina Sanders@ksanders013
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Photo of Amy L Hamilton
Amy L Hamilton@amyl60
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Photo of Damian Bannon
Damian Bannon@damianb
4 stars
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