

A PREQUEL to the NA rock star series Lost In Oblivion. "Warning: get ready for a testosterone overload. The guys are in the driver's seat in Seduced - and the ride's gonna rock. " Twenty-three year old Nick Crandall has one focus in his life: Oblivion, the band he formed with his best friend Simon Kagan. With gigs coming up and the band members lacking focus after losing their drummer to rehab, they're out of ideas. Until Oblivion's bassist, Deacon McCoy, poses a surprising suggestion. Bring in someone new. Two someones. One You Tube video gone viral later, Oblivion is poised on the brink of stardom. With their new hot drummer chick - who comes in a package deal with a talented guitarist who happens to be head over pick in unrequited love with her - it seems like everything's falling into place. Or will the band Nick and Simon have fought to keep together disintegrate before their eyes? Four guys & one woman + more success than they ever bargained for = trouble, of the sexiest kind. Get Seduced by this novel-length introduction to the band Oblivion. This preview occurs before the four forthcoming books about each of the band members. Sometimes getting lost means finding yourself...
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