The International Academic Profession

The International Academic Profession Portraits of Fourteen Countries

This analysis of the academic profession in 14 nations was based on responses received from an international survey of nearly 20,000 college and university faculty members from Australia, Brazil, Chile, England, West Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, and the United States. Data were analyzed and portraits, including more than 300 tables and charts, were prepared by researchers and scholars in the respective countries. After a foreword by Ernest L. Boyer, chapters include: "The Academic Profession in International Perspective" (Philip G. Altbach and Lionel S. Lewis); "The Australian Academic Profession" (Barry A. Sheehan and Anthony R. Welch); "The Academic Profession in Korea" (Sungho H. Lee); "The Academic Profession in Japan" (Akira Arimoto); "The Future of the Hong Kong Academic Profession" (Gerard A. Postiglione); "The Academic Profession in Brazil" (Simon Schwartzman and Elizabeth Balbachevsky); "The Chilean Academic Profession: Six Policy Issues" (Ernesto Schiefelbein); "The Mexican Academic Profession" (Manuel Gil Anton); "The American Academic Profession" (J. Eugene Haas); "The Academic Profession in England on the Eve of Structural Reform" (Oliver Fulton); "The Academic Profession in Germany (Jurgen Enders and Ulrich Teichler); "The Dutch Professoriate" (Peter A. Geurts and others); "The Academic Profession in Sweden" (Goran Blomqvist, Hans Jalling, and Karsten Lundeqvist); "The Academic Profession in Russia" (Brian L. Levin-Stankevich and Alexander Savelyev); and "The Academic Profession in Israel: Continuity and Transformation" (Michael Chen and others). Appendices include: "The International Survey of the Academic Profession, 1991-1993: Methodological Notes" (Mary Jean Whitelaw); a list of members of the research team; and a copy of the survey instrument. (Contains extensive reference notes.) (CH)
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