Red Scrolls of Magic
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Red Scrolls of Magic

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Photo of Ellie M.
Ellie M.@arthieshelved
4 stars
May 5, 2024

This book was such a win for the gays! I don’t know why it took me so long to get into The Eldest Curses, but it was incredibly emotional to read into so much adorable, domestic malec content and hilarious cameos from other beloved tsc characters. It aims to tell the story of Alec and Magnus’ before all the drama and traverses through things that happened in between TMI (if you know, you know). Reading this made me feel only a fraction of what I felt reading shadowhunters for the first time, so this was a nostalgic read that hits bullseye to a reader’s heart. This book was able to give me an adventurous, hilarious story with queer characters accompanied by a form of nostalgia and lingering sadness that’s always going to be there when I read those familiar names.

Photo of akynn
akynn @akynn
4 stars
Mar 9, 2024

4.5 stars this made me very happy

Photo of Tatiana
2 stars
Jan 17, 2024

The Red Scrolls of Magic: 2.5/5 I am now in the process of reading all the Shadowhunter novellas before I move onto The Dark Artifices, and this.. was just not it for me. I want to preface this review by saying nothing is outwardly wrong with this book, this is my opinion, and I don't have much to back it up. This book was not for me, but I can see how many people do enjoy it. Essentially, don't let my review deter you from this novella. The Red Scrolls of Magic is a novella in the shadowhunter universe following Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood, post TMI part one. In this story, they decide to go on vacation to Paris (romantic). Still, they are thrown into a plot to chase down The Crimson Hand's illusive leader, a demon-worshipping cult, since many people believe the leader is Magnus himself. Magnus and Alec travel around Europe to find answers to this mystery and stop the cult once and for all. This plot just was not it for me. Again, I don't have anything to back this up except that I personally didn't enjoy it. I thought it was boring, and I wanted more Magnus and Alec content. I absolutely love Alec and Magnus's dynamic, and they're one of my favorite book couples ever. So much so that I truly wanted this novella to surround them and their love blooming. Instead, we are forced into this wild goose chance plot that completely smothers the romance portion. Maybe I'm just salty because I wanted the book to be all about Magnus and Alec's romance, and I know that's not what this book is about, but that's what I wanted. Thus, I am disappointed with this book. Again, I want to reiterate I know this book is not a romance book, so don't come for me; I just wanted it so badly. I wanted more Magnus and Alec, and I think the plot got in the way of it, and since I didn't enjoy the plot itself, I found this book overall to be disappointing. That being said, every time we did have some Magnus and Alec moments, my heart melted. I adored these bits and pieces, and it left me more in love with the couple than ever before. I do want to mention that you should read this book before The Mortal Instuments part two. I wish I read it after City of Glass because it adds a lot of context and backstory regarding Magnus and his father. This comes into play in City of Heavenly Fire, and I believe I would have enjoyed City of Heavenly Fire more if I read this book prior.

Photo of Tatiana
3 stars
Jan 17, 2024

The Lost Book of the White: 3.5/5 Gosh, I nervous about this one! After The Red Scrolls of Magic severely let me down, I was dreading the fact that I needed to read this before The Dark Artifices. This was definitely a pleasant surprise, though. First of all, I loved reading this immediately after Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy. I definitely recommend that order because this book feels like it directly follows the events that occurred in that book. The short stories are also referenced quite a bit in this book. Of course, we are reunited with another Magnus and Alec story. Still, this time, we get to see glimpses of their life with Max (MY HEART <333) before they are forced to go on a mission to Shangai due to an unexpected visit from good old Shinyun Jung and another friend (which I will not be spoiling) who hurt Magnus with mysterious magic nobody knows about. I don't want to spoil it. What is nice about this book is that Alec insists the entire gang comes with them, including Isabelle, Simon, Clary, and Jace. With the whole gang back together, they travel to Shanghai to uncover what might be plaguing Magnus, take back the stolen Book of the White, and reunite with an old friend. I was definitely more invested in this story than The Red Scrolls of Magic. I think this is largely due to this book actually feeling connected to the rest of the series, and it is most definitely not pointless. I liked seeing the old gang back together from a different perspective: not Clary, Jace, or Simon. Since the war has ended, the characters have become much more likable, and their banter is top tier. Cassie Clare threw in many jokes that made this book more lighthearted than the rest of the TMI books, which I definitely appreciated. Lastly... of course, Magnus and Alec are the stars of this show. Their love hits so differently, almost like Tessa, Will, and Jem. I have such a soft spot, and it feels so genuine, especially with Max now in the picture. Every single romance scene with Magnus and Alec was pure gold that I will cherish forever. There are also some parts of this book I didn't like so much. At times, I felt like the plot was a little bit all over the place and overall chaotic. I do wish that Cassie Clare cut some pieces out to make it more cohesive. I think something that could have helped is making this book shorter. It is quite long for a novella, and I don't think the book needed everything. It got a bit repetitive and boring towards the middle. I also really don't like our main villain Shinyun Jung. I don't understand her motives in either book one or book two. Overall, she is a weak character, and I would have liked it more if she wasn't so winey all the time and had an actual motive. On the other hand, I liked our new demon Sammael, who talks A LOT. He was even comedic, and I enjoyed his character way more than Shinyun Jung. Lastly, there are quite a few plot holes in this story. I conjured up about 100 different ways they could have solved their problem in way less time and danger, utilizing other shadowhunter special powers outlined in other books. This was somehow all forgotten, and the gang took the least efficient solution, which annoyed me. Literally, the only reason they used Clary's power was to make a damn alarm clock. Like, c'mon... Overall, I think what really made this book shine is the prologue, epilogue, and bonus scene. Right off the bat, we get an incredible reveal in the prologue, and the epilogue sets up the next book SO WELL. I am extremely excited about it, and I know this will tie into The Wicked Powers. The bonus scene was so lovely where we get to witness a Jem and Tessa wedding and Church in a bow! I am looking forward to the third book in this trilogy due to that epilogue, but I am more excited to be moving on to Lady Midnight!

Photo of nina
nina @ninaisreading
2 stars
Jan 10, 2024

Yeah, so, the malec content was cute but the plot was just “ok” for me, hence the two stars. Also, because we’ve gone back to the City of Glass days, we had to lose all the development we have had for these characters. It was a fun little story, but it didn’t add anything to the overall series, which is fine but not really what I look for to read.

Photo of Thea Søsveen
Thea Søsveen@thea_sosveen
4 stars
Mar 29, 2023

This was in my opinion such a fun little read.

I absolutely loved getting to see more Malec content. Kind of an unexpected plot twist towards the end, that really surprised me.

We really got to see more of Alec’s struggles with coming out as well and that was really special to me.

Magnus’ life and upbringing was a huge part that i also loved to read about.

I personally found it really cute how much Magnus secretly loves Clary 🤧

“His Clary, the first and last child Magnus had ever watched grow up, and the warrior woman he knew she would become”

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Ria
4.5 stars
Jan 28, 2023

Really a 4.5/5! At first I wasn’t sure if i liked this book, I don’t know what it was about it but I was kinda just bored...but as it went along I really found myself not being able to put it down!! Took me a little bit to figure out when it was set in the timeline too but once I did I was definitely enjoying it more. The plot was interesting tho kinda slow at the beginning for me and the ending was good!! Very excited for the next book!! 4.5 bc of the shaky start I had reading but overall it was really good and reminded me how much I adore Alec and Magnus

Photo of Aishling
4 stars
Jan 28, 2023

3.5/5 stars Malec is clearly CC’s favourite couple, they have barely any angst compared to all of her other couples and actually get to spend some lovey-dovey time together. This book has a lot of cute moments between Magnus and Alec, and they share so many casual touches which made me realise how little we see that in the other shadowhunter books. I wonder if it was Wesley Chu’s influence and if so I am very grateful to him. The plot itself didn’t interest me that much, which is probably why it took me so long to finish. Since this book is set in the middle of the mortal instruments series but was written long after it was completed, I thought it wouldn’t have any influence on the main series or ever be referenced, which automatically made me not care as much for it. But there was a huge detail in the ending which either hasn’t been mentioned in future books or else I’d forgotten about it, either way it was important and has made me glad I did read it.

Photo of Jules
5 stars
Jan 22, 2023

Reread 5 stars

Photo of Lu
3 stars
Jan 22, 2023

I really expected this book to be a 5 star-read for me, but sadly it just didn't turn out as I wanted it to.

Photo of s
4 stars
Jan 21, 2023

Pleasantly surprised by this book. A great addition to the shadowhunters chronicles

Photo of s
5 stars
Jan 21, 2023

Wow! This was a brilliantly written book that had me laughing and crying. Loved it. One of the easiest 5 starts I’ve ever given.

Photo of Annabella
4 stars
Nov 3, 2022

Can we get more Helen/Aline as well? My heart is so happy

Photo of Nicole Dykeman
Nicole Dykeman@holobookthief
5 stars
Aug 25, 2022

I absolutely loved this glimpse into Alec and Magnus’s relationship. Magnus is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time - he’s charming, funny, and incredibly fascinating. He and Alec are the first LGBTQ+ characters I remember reading about. They’re just so special to me. Their wedding made me cry, and this early view of their developing relationship made my heart all warm and fuzzy. But really, it was just wonderful seeing the two of them in the spotlight for a change, instead of taking the back seat to whatever major plot is occurring in TMI or TDA. But honestly? The most surprising and wonderful part of this? Aline Penhallow and Helen Blackthorn. While reading Queen of Air and Darkness, I wanted desperately to connect with them more because they are one of the only happy and healthy relationships between queer women in fantasy books that I’ve ever seen. Something was lacking for me because I didn’t know their characters well enough. Now, I want to go back and reread that having had this foundational information. Watching them first meet one another, and Aline’s joy and excitement when Helen agrees to even get breakfast with her, was absolutely perfect. These two characters are so precious and they are quickly climbing up my list of favorite characters of all time. The cameos from Raphael and Izzy were amusing as well. Plot wise, this was great as well. I wasn’t sure where it would go exactly, but I was happy with it. I’m very curious about the next two books of the trilogy. And I’m sad that I have to wait until June for more new Shadowhunters content.

Photo of Kailey Rios
Kailey Rios@anniebannani
5 stars
Aug 22, 2022

i knew i’d love this because i love alec and magnus and their relationship but it was even better than i expected. the writing was witty and sharp and so enjoyable; i read practically the entire book in one afternoon because i had to know what happened next. magnus and alec’s relationship development really made me wanna cry like they’re just so in love with each other my heart hurts. literally can’t wait for the next book to come out wow. 5 stars

Photo of kay
3 stars
Aug 14, 2022

sizzy carried this book

Photo of p.
3 stars
Jun 19, 2022

This was very fanfic-y but fun and chill.

Photo of mary
5 stars
Jun 5, 2022

5⭐️ ci ho messo una vita a finirlo,ma è un libro meraviglioso. Sono distrutta e felice allo stesso tempo. Alec e Magnus sono il mio posto felice

Photo of Mijs Franssen
Mijs Franssen@mijsfranssen
5 stars
Jun 4, 2022

i cannot begin to describe the love I have for this book. Ever since I stared reading the mortal instruments series last year I fell in love with the shadow world. Alec and Magnus have been my favorite characters and I loved reading about them and this crazy adventure. I loved how we got to know Magnus better and also how other characters from different series in the shadowhunter world were featured here, like Tessa Grey from the infernal devices and Helen and Aline who we’ve seen in the mortal instruments before. It was an amazing read with a good amount of sassy-ness and charm from Magnus, romance, action, demons and cult-activity. Go read this gem :) (PS; my tip would be to read the mortal instruments, the infernal devices and the bane chronicals first, it definitly gives you a better understanding of the characters and their past and how it affects them in this book.)

Photo of Sophie
Sophie @sophreads
4 stars
May 10, 2022

4.5 ⭐️ Really loved seeing a story just about Magnus and Alec as well the other characters from the books !! Loved the Orient Express fight scene the most !! Also the ending I’m like oh Jesus here we go ! “ Love changes you. Love changes the world. You can’t lose that love, no matter how long you live, I think. Trust love. Trust him”

Photo of Larisa Nicolcea
Larisa Nicolcea@larisa55
3 stars
May 9, 2022

** spoiler alert ** 3.5 stars, a bit boring at first but omgg that's Jessa wedding😭

Photo of Flavia Louise
Flavia Louise@flaviaaalouise
4 stars
Mar 7, 2022

I love this world so much and thoroughly enjoyed this book. As expected. :)

Photo of Marxie Zenik
Marxie Zenik @thirteenofmanon
4 stars
Feb 8, 2022

Me encanta ver el desarrollo de Alec, definitivamente es de mis personajes favoritos de todo TSC y Magnus es increíble, imposible no disfrutarme un libro donde el aparezca. Aparte de todo los comienzos de Helen y Aline me tenían gritando, las amo demasiado. Me encantó el libro.

Photo of Jocelyne Lessard
Jocelyne Lessard@lessard
3 stars
Feb 4, 2022

This really dissapointed me, it wasn't as good as the first one.


Photo of Alissa
Alissa @lissam

I'm not here to witness your relationship growth. I just want to defeat the evil cult.

Page 103
Photo of anna ˖*°࿐
anna ˖*°࿐@annofthebooks

“Can I ask you something? You loved a Shadowhunter.” “Do you think I stopped?” “When you loved a Shadowhunter, were you ever afraid?” “I was always afraid,” said Tessa. “It’s natural to be afraid of losing the most precious thing in the world. But don’t be too afraid, Magnus. I know warlocks and Shadowhunters are very different, and there is a divide between your worlds that can be hard to cross. But as someone once said to me, the right man will not care. You can build a bridge over the divide and find each other. You can build something much greater than either of you could ever have built on your own.”

Photo of anna ˖*°࿐
anna ˖*°࿐@annofthebooks

“You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, Helen Blackthorn. And you fight like poetry. When you talked about your family, you made me want to cry. So let’s get coffee, or dinner, or we could go on a weekend trip to Florence. Wait, no, or I could say something more suave and sophisticated than that. I’ll read some romantic books and learn to phrase things better.”