Catching Fire The Second Book of the Hunger Games

Iโm not gonna lie, this was so freaking good.
I really liked the first one and understood why people love this series so much, but this one blew the first one out of the water, in my opinion. The further dive into all the characters, the dive into the major politics within, and the introduction of new characters was done so well.
Most of this book also took place outside of the hunger games, which I think made it better. It was more about the politics of the world rather than the fighting taking place within the arena, and i felt myself unable to put it down. I didnโt wanna stop readingggg, I loved this so much. It was so brutal to read obviously, and my heart felt heavy the entire time, but I truly loved this book. All the new characters were so intriguing! And while I usually despise love triangles, this is the only one where Iโve understood it even a tiny bit.
Ugh entering my hunger games era way too late ๐โค๏ธ

This re read has been so good!

My favorite movie and my favorite book. I forgot about so much that happened but itโs SO GOOD. I love Finnick Odair and next book is going to break my heart certainly :)

Rereading the series before sunrise on the reaping, absolutely one of my favourite series in the world! Great book!

Loved the book. It was the perfect thing for me to read.


Very interesting sequel, it ended on a big suspense and leaves you eager to continue reading to find out more.

nie wiem, ta czฤลฤ mi nie podeszลa

book two wont fail to diminish your excitement as it did to you on Hunger Games! keeps me wanting mooore. am ready to watch it on the big screen!

Note: My last year read

This book started a bit slow but once you get to part two things get really interesting. My favorite thing about Collins books is her characters development. She is a master at creating perplex characters!

She does it again. Love the characters and their relationships. Also Collins does a great job at writing Katnissโ internal thought. 10/10. ๐น๐

God, years later and this cliffhanger still gives me chills. Also, years later and still ridiculously attached to Peeta. I feel like my rating comes from something other than the writing itself. I remembered well enough how fast paced this trilogy is (which I don't mind if you give me a few more pages). Catching Fire is a good follow up to a great book and I love all 3 acts within this book individually and for different reasons. Funny how I rated it higher now that I'm older, it's just that I know the impact this series had on me after reading it as a teen. I love the reminder of how similar Katniss and Haymitch are. Always a great read.

amazing from start to finish and with its fast pacing makes it quickly digestible

A classic story written beautifully.

The concept of the book is timeless. The perfect build-up from the first to the last book with its own theme.
I think it's how Katniss witnessed it, but the movie gets some of the emotions of the other tributes/characters better.
Shout out to my local library for selling the exclusive movie version of the book.

I really loved Catching Fire, it is personally my favorite. It is a prefect balance of mind games with action.

En "Catching Fire", Suzanne Collins amplรญa y enriquece el mundo distรณpico que creรณ en "The Hunger Games". La historia se centra en las consecuencias del acto de rebeliรณn de Katniss y Peeta durante los Juegos del Hambre anteriores. A medida que los personajes principales enfrentan nuevas amenazas, la autora explora las tensiones polรญticas entre los distritos y la opresiรณn del Capitolio. Collins expande hรกbilmente la mitologรญa de Panem, presentando los 75ยบ Juegos del Hambre, conocidos como los "Juegos del Vasallaje", que aรฑaden un nivel adicional de brutalidad y desesperaciรณn. La narrativa tambiรฉn revela mรกs sobre los personajes secundarios, desarrollando sus motivaciones y desafรญos personales. La autora aborda cuestiones mรกs profundas, como la naturaleza del poder, la propaganda y la resistencia, haciendo que los lectores reflexionen sobre las consecuencias de las decisiones polรญticas y la lucha por la libertad. "Catching Fire" es una secuela cautivadora que construye sobre los cimientos del primer libro, preparando el terreno para el emocionante desenlace de la trilogรญa.


3.5/5 I was going to take a day or two off from this series, but after that ending? There's no way that's going to happen.

The second part of the trilogy shows us how Katniss was affected - and traumatized - by her experience in the Hunger Games. About 2/3 of the book deal with topics related to this, plus the growing unrest in the districts. She has a lot to process, becoming increasingly angry at the capitol for the incredibly unfair world that she lives in. The last third of the book is set in the 75th Hunger Games, which no doubt the Capitol devised to quiet the sparks of rebellion, but achieved the exact opposite. It's so well written with such great characters. It's an emotional roller-coaster for sure, especially Mags. Speaking of emotion, Katniss is also dealing with her feelings for not one, but two men in this book. It's been 12 years since I read this the first time, and reading it from my present point of view, it's just so obvious to me that Katniss is polyamorous. Why decide for one man, if she needs both, as each of them fulfills a different need for her? But alas, this book is set in a black and white world where I doubt polyamory is a thing. But honestly, it makes this love triangle kinda unnecessary for me. At the same time she also seems to be somewhat asexual and/or aromantic. She clearly has feelings for both Gale and Peeta, but her feelings don't seem particularly sexual to me. I think she struggles a lot with romance and commitment in general, and sometimes I can recognize myself in her. I think losing her father early, and the losing the affection of her mother to depression, can partially explain this, as not having emotional needs met by your parents can scar you for life. It's so refreshing to have a protagonist like this, because most protagonists that I've encountered are not this emotionally complex. A great sequel that sets the scene for the finale perfectly, which I enjoyed reading a lot more the second time I read it.

** spoiler alert ** The story was cool and all I just wish the book was longer honestly. With the concept being an all winners Hunger Games I wish weโd gotten to know a little more of a lot of them. Like people like Cecelia, Gloss, Woof, Cashmere, Brutus weโre honestly basically just aluded to and even important characters like Johanna and Enobaria for example got very little and could have used a lot more depth to them so we would actually care for their arc coming the third book, which makes them both a lot more important. It was still a lot of fun, just wish we could have gotten some more development for most side characters not named Finnick

โCatching Fireโ is probably one of the best sequels I have ever read. Every chapter was filled with tension that keeps you wanting and knowing more. Youโll realise and appreciate Suzanneโs attention to detail once you have pieced them all together when you get to that part.

I am absolutely loving re-reading this series. Love getting to relive the story from Katniss's point of view. I really enjoyed seeing all the little moments that maybe you wouldn't notice your first time reading it. Absolutely love her writing style, its so easy to read "just one more chapter". Can't wait to read the last one!

She has been hurt far worse than I had at the age of twelve

"I just can't wait for the whole thing to be over," I whisper.
"I know," says Greasy Sae. "But you've got to go through it to get to the end of it. Better not be late."

But the only thing that distracts me from my current situation is fantasizing about killing President Snow. Not very pretty daydreams for a seventeen-year-old girl, I guess, but very satisfying.

"It's OK. It's just her hormones," says Finnick. "From the baby."

Oh, right. I'm supposed to be pregnant, I think. While I'm trying to think what that means and how I should act - maybe throw up or something

Because Cinna has turned me into a mockingjay.

Johanna Mason actually stops to straighten my pearl necklace. โMake him pay for it, OK?" she says.

"So at least half the victors have instructed their mentors to request you as an ally. I know it can't be your sunny personality."

Katniss, the girl on fire, has left behind her flickering flames and bejewelled gowns and soft candlelight frocks. She is as deadly as fire itself.

A mockingjay is a creature the Capitol never intended to exist. They hadn't counted on the highly controlled jabberjay having the brains to adapt to the wild, to pass on it's genetic code, to thrive in a new form. They hadn't anticipated it's will to live

and that's where we have our first kiss in months. It's full of fur and snowflakes and lipstick, but underneath all that, I can feel the steadines that Peeta brings to everything. And I know I'm not alone.

The others kept Peeta alive because if he died, we knew thereโd be no keeping you in an alliance
WHAT THE FAWK ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐

I realize only one person will be damaged beyond repair if Peeta dies. Me.

You could live a hundred lifetimes and not deserve him, you know.

I see the loaves of bread on the counter in the pale, snowy morning light.

โฆ sometimes things happen to people and theyโre not equipped to deal with them.
This line resonated with me so much because I feel that in the recent years of my life, everything just fell into a whirlwind of unexpected highs and lows.