The Darkness of Others

This book took me by surprise. I had never heard of Cate Holahan, which is weird because she’s been writing popular titles for a while. This one popped up on Good Morning America so I decided to give it a go. I have discovered my reviews get more traction if I follow the popular book clubs, and GMA’s is one of the most followed. They actually don’t do thrillers all that often, so I was pretty excited to get started on this one. This book explores the nuances of close adult relationships and how the develop and change over the years. I think it’s more about how groups of adults interact than anything else. It’s like there’s a certain line in adult friendships that, once crossed, become toxic and destructive. Too many secrets were kept, then secrets compounded to a boiling point. I can’t say I was completely shocked at the ending, or even who the antagonist was, but it was well-crafted nonetheless. I wish there had been more…of pretty much everything. It felt like the entire thing was stunted a bit, like the development of the story and each character hit a snag…or the author fell asleep and decided to roll with it the way it had been written. It’s a decent story, I just wanted a bit more.