Cursed Crowns

I loved the first book, and for that reason — AND THAT REASON ALONE — I didn’t DNF this one. It was very much only okay. Too slow, and too long. Very meandering. I really had to force myself through this one, but I do feel like it set up book three with some interesting possibilities.

At first i did find the story a little boring, so i didn’t think i would like it as much. However i fell in love very quickly, mostly with Wren’s storyline. I feel like Rose’s is a bit less interesting, plus the fact i admit to liking Wren’s character more. I loved the romance and the tension, i enjoyed the drama between the characters. spoilers and i’m praying Wren and Alarik get together, no offence Tor. but i feel like it’s highly unlikely. no spoilers

The buildup was amazing! The story progressed beautifully. normally I don’t like switching pov’s because you’re so caught up in the story of one person that you don’t wanna move to the next’s, but in this book I didn’t mind it one bit! I also really loved the unexpected love triangle!!


The queen pressed down on the keys, a single chord erupting like an aria. A nearby soldier poked his head out of an alcove, his eyes widening in disbelief.