Spectrum 13

Spectrum 13 The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art

The increasing popularity of fantasy and science fiction themes in art is celebrated in the annual Spectrum series. This is the premier venue for such art, a lavishly illustrated volume and an invaluable resource, eagerly awaited by art directors, illustrators, and readers alike. Drawn from books, comics, magazines, art galleries, advertisements, and portfolios, each Spectrum represents a who's who in fantasy today. With a wider reach than any previous edition, Spectrum 12 features 350 works by artists from Germany, England, the Netherlands, Korea, Australia, Japan, Canada, France, and the United States. Divided into seven categories, including one each devoted to comics and graphic novels, the illustrations expand the boundaries of the imagination and explore new realms of creativity. Among the artists included are Justin Sweet, Brad Holland, Greg Ruth, Lawrence Northey, Arthur Suydam, and H.R. Giger. A handy index provides contact information for each artist.
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