
It's ridiculous, they've only known each other for a few hours! Lol

Like the premise of the universe but I was not enthused with the heroine sadly. Generally both authors have stong, kickass, heroinestarnish any female as TSTL but I'd never let her make ANY decisions. She knows her father is a habitual criminal but thinks nothing of giving one of his sketchy friends a lift, in the middle of the night, in a ritz part of town! Then she meets Ragan, who has a few edges that could do with being knocked off himself! He's TFNG, the fecking new guy, and expected to get the crappy jobs. Yes he is a badass dragon, yes he is the cyber security guy but he's wanting to take on the whole investigation! But then they are essentially in the plot of a keystone kops movie. I really struggled to finish I admit. But I persevered and it did improve, mildly. It was a short read and overall enjoyable but I think something will have to improve for me to continue the series, even though I'm quite intrigued by the team itself.