Century Rain
On an Earth of the far future, a planet left uninhabitable by the Nanocaust technological catastrophe, archaeologist Verity Auger is brought in to examine a wormhole leading to a mid-twentieth-century Earth, on which exists a deadly device capable of destroying both the past and future alike. Reprint.

Cindy Lieberman@chicindy
A noir detective in a-Paris-that-could-have-been becomes embroiled in a plot to recover books and records for a Mars-based faction.... Lots of interesting ideas but also a lot of stuff to keep straight. I’d give this a 3.5, rounded up. That being said, I’ve only recently discovered Alastair Reynolds’ writing and he’s fast becoming one of my favorites for his wild imagination.

Greg Copeland@gtco


The Hissing Saint@thehissingsaint

Ian Marchant @stranstringulon

Stewart Scott@stewart

Stephen Gill @steog