Clown in a Cornfield 2: Frendo Lives

almost dnf it at 30% pero le quise dar el beneficio de la duda y estoy arrepentida de haberlo hecho.
esta historia mediocre definitivamente no necesitaba una aún peor segunda parte (y mucho menos la tercera q saldrá este año wtf), terrible 0/5⭐️

GAY!!! Whereas the first one takes at least a little bit of time to reveal it's pathetic subtext, this one just starts right out of the gate with it. Crazy how you can try to present something as a slasher, when it's just some victim fantasy about muh evil right-wing militias! I swear these people are more infatuated with Trump than the actual MAGA people. They've really deluded themselves into thinking they've lived through the second holocaust. The fucking DJ character from the first one, that was just some young boy, as now been turned into the trans character for extra diversity, and the reoccurring misgendering of her is done by only the evil Q people, but constantly reaffirmed and defended by all the "good" people. Yeah, totally, the hot senior girl would totally fall for the Trans freshman girl. That's not just outright fantasy. And just to make sure this was a complete piece of shit, the epilogue literally has the main character shave her head and go full "badass woman" hunting down the Q people. Despite the obvious logic of she would just go to jail for murder.

if there’s one thing thaf adam cesare knows how to do, it’s right a slasher. this duology is hands down one of my favorites of all time & i’m definitely going to be reading this again during October. we get the mix of old characters + new characters - that makes the story feel new and refreshing yet wraps up everything so well. i will say, i thought book 1 was more face paced but this one was still excellent. the plot line behind this works so well, and honestly makes it feel so real. the parallels between the two books - simply a masterpiece. i’m usually not one that enjoys books with modern references but adam does such a great job of making it flow so well and actually work. the CHARACTERSSSS. god, i wish some of the new characters would have been in the first book bc i loved them so much and i need more of them. quinn rust and cole will always be my fav trio tho the plot twist were definitely there and left me very shocked, especially the ending - it ended so well. the writings in these books are just done so well to the point where they come to life. they feel like true slasher films and i can’t get enough of them. this book was an amazing sequel - we got closure, and growth and ugh it had me tearing up at some points. i’ll always recommend this duo! so so good

This has quickly become a favorite! It’s the slasher book I was looking for. I hadn’t read a good horror book in a long time and picking this up I was skeptical. I’m so glad I read this. It’s got the right about of gore and questions that I needed. The betrayal that I kind of saw coming but didn’t. Ugh! I just I love this.