Leaders In History

Leaders In History Heroes Or Villains

This is not your average story, for what are the elements of a good story? This is a story of a hero or maybe a villain, it's a war story to impose peace, its surrealistic actions that actually happened, historical events that shaped our future, it's a love story of heartless men. Did I say love story? No, it's a horror story, a brutality that some deems necessary, other say it's an action of sick twisted men.The book covers the story of all kind of wars, from religious wars to territorial wars. it's about motivated no ranked soldiers who fought their way to become emperors , local kings who conquered half the world , cold war survivors who imposed there way of thinking into their people, abused kids who took there vengeance on the world.Your about to read about ten of the world's most controversial leaders in history , some claim them to be heroes ,more like gods who gave their country power and wealth and made it a force to be feared. While others see them as psychopathic heartless killers who committed mass murders for their own personal goals.Heroes or villains, you be the judge.Are you ready? Let's begin.
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