Jack Murphy, James West, Charlene da Silva
Messages from Beyond

Messages from Beyond

In his astonishing story, Messages From Beyond, James "Smokey" West recounts his time during the Special Forces, his ongoing struggles with PTSD, and his road to self-improvement by using his combat-related dreams and nightmares as sources of strength. "...I felt nothing when I died."Not many people can claim they have died only to come back alive. Throughout his entire life, death alluded James "Smokey" West. Growing up poor in Richmond, Virginia, he spent his entire life trying to survive and fight back. With no sense of direction or purpose, he dropped out of school and joined the US Army at the age of seventeen. From there, he became a Special Forces operative, participating in CIA-sponsored covert missions through Central and South America. Though, the fight still continues even after coming home. It's within you. Your intuition will allow you to move forward without damage. Just keep moving. Take your dreams into consideration and turn your nightmares into dreams. You will never change what happened in the past despite your regrets. Find a source of strength and direction, allowing you to dodge the potholes in life. In Messages From Beyond, West recounts his dreams and nightmares, using them as sources of strength to cope with his PTSD and the brutal murder of his son. Using his own experiences and healing methods, he explores different ways to deal with feelings of guilt and failure.
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