Cold Mountain
Nevil Shute wrote this prophetic novel just before the start of the Second World War. In it he describes the devastation that results from an aerial bomb attack on Southampton that destroys the city's infrastructure and leaves the inhabitants at the mercy of cholera and further assaults. The story follows the trials and tribulations of the Corbett family as they try to get to safety.
Sarah Sammis@pussreboots
Will Vunderink@willvunderink
Fran Lewis@franlewis
Kerri McDonald@kerrimcbooknerd
Janet Doré@vistacanas
Francine Corry@booknblues
Anita Deka Baruah@anitadb
Colton Ray@coltonmray
olivia campbell@okcampbell
Allison Dempsey@alliedempsey
Darcy Lambert@mokehil
Andrew John Kinney@numidica
Dan Yoder@danyoder
Rustė Tervydytė@ruste
Hanna Tillmanns @verana79
Jane Mount@janemount
Jessica Coburn@rosie_jessie
Julie Snyder@jns
Morgan Holland@morgz
Ronda Bender@rondazbent24
Sarah Kessler@pdxskigirl
Sierra R@auroras